Getting Gems Quick

Hi Guys

After thinking and pondering about ways to get new monsters (I relied mainly on single draws), I needed some new monsters quick. Could somebody give me some advice regarding how to get gems fast and when to spend them / on which eggs?

Current Standings
Island Challenge - Mixed results. Can get up to level 120 but relies on team build
Ultimate Challenge - Top 2800-2900. Can get up to level 135 MAX (for now)
Super Challenge Battle - Can complete all of the battles except for Extreme Level 2
Whales treasure - Can beat all the stages up to the elemental trainer (final level?)
Biweekly Challenge - Can beat 4 battles only (1 gem)
Dungeon Challenge - can get up to level 50

You have problems with team building otherwise you could reach level 300 in IC and maybe level 200 or 300 in UC. Also you should be able to beat biweekly challenge, you can learn different setups and usage of different monsters. Dont limit yourself to 4 wins. If you claimed all the achievement gems then you really need to depend on events to gather gems. While saving for regular gems, gather rare gems as it can give you 40% chance of a legendary. Only roll on egg festivals that have guaranteed legendaries on 1st pack, 3rd, 6th and so on (New Years, Valentines, Easter and the likes of these) gather 300 gems before rolling to get the event exclusive legendaries.

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How long did it take you to gather 300 gems?

Usually 3 months but it depends coz on average I gather 100 gems a month.

What events do you usually target?

All events, try to go high as possible. I can finish SOTF, Whales, SCB, PVP (1ST time)