Force skip bug

If I remember correctly, 3 force skips means automatically defeat. This didn’t apply on my previous battle. And to make it worse, he didn’t even get punishment for using full 30 seconds to make a move… you shouldn’t get 30 second turns every turn if you used most of your time to make a move. You should get 30 sec the first turn, if you used it all then it’s reduced to 20 sec. if you use it all again then 15 sec and on and on. I ended up waiting 30 mins because the opponent was a piece of crap and decided to wait FULL 30 sec on every single turn before making a move, and there were more than 5 force skips in it. This shouldn’t be possible and should be fixed

Although I’m not here to complain, i agree I constantly face people who purposely take their time to make a move. It takes all joy out of the match and puts me off pvp. Once or twice is fine cause some matches are close and you need to think about it but most of the time they do it every turn :expressionless:

What’s wrong with taking your time to make a move?

Amirite Cloud? (Idk what your name is on this forum)

Taking 30 secs every turn to make a move is ridiculous. Win or lose I like my games to flow quickly, taking your time when the fight is good and the match is close doesnt bother me as you can’t afford to make a mistake. Taking youre time simply cause you like to waste youre opponents time annoys me because its done on purpose. Doing it on purpose every turn is poor sportsmanship, this is just my opinion. Regardless im just venting, ill get over it.

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