First place IC problem?

This IC I had the opportunity to start at the beginning and play every match for the first 36 hours or so. I found that there seems to be an issue at the top spot. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem when they were at the top of IC?

I found the same lineup with multiple different names. Matches within 5 minutes of each other so changing your nickname doesn’t seem plausible. I got tired of fighting the same thing so I stopped playing for a few hours and lost the top spot and now there seems to be no issue.

I think that’s the standard AI team set by the devs, once you beat it, the next guy reaching that level has to fight your deck, once he beats it, the next guy has to fight either yours or the previous guys deck by random.
At least that is how I always understood this event to work. At first place you have the priviledge to fight the weak standard team, the later guys fight a randomly chosen team of everybody, who already beat that level.

My one friend got this one

I have experience it… 10x match with RoA Paige… but one of my clan mates told me theres another bug that opponent has only 4 FL and 2 reinforcements… I am on rank 3 as of now but still opponent and random teams… after i get past RoA Paige rank I started to have random opponents

last IC I experienced similar from yours… but I dont know if it is a bug or not.

As I said bro I didnt experience it but you are the person who told me that

I encountered this team at level 276 lol

I encounted this team at least 20 times I would say, all with a different username and same line up. I was still encountering this team at level 400

Not limited to top spot. I encountered it as well.