Feedback thread for "Killerdog's guides"

You forgot leo.

I felt like it wasn’t necessary to include that because everyone gets given it right at the beginning and they’ll see it has a 5* form available. Some older players deleted this monster so needed to go get it again when it got the 5* form but I highly doubt any new player would do this. I prefer to cut out unnecessary bits if I can, especially in something like a “new players guide” where they just want to read about the stuff important to them.

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Would still be a nice info nonetheless

Thanks to Unown providing me with the information about where Leobolt can be found, I decided to include the information in a small note in the guide. Hopefully that makes everyone happy :slight_smile:

@Killerdog wait, so there are two version of this awesome dude? In your guide pupupa listed as earth type

There is a Pupupa and Moth for each element. The Pupupa’s appear to have the same name, which is quite confusing.

I may come up with a better way to categorise these monsters but for now in my legendaries listed guide I’m writing the moth right beneath the respective pupupa and counting it as one monster onto the counter (categorising it as “full defence” only since that’s the monster you actually place in your team).

Okay, thanks for replying so fast. You’ve done a very great job, sir. Btw, this is my first post. Just joined today!

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Great now when someone says Zard they will have to specify which one rofl.


Welcome!! How long have you played the game for? Forum is a great place

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Thank you for the warm welcome. Actually i just started, kind sir, so i still learning about how the game worked.

Ok cool! Any questions just ask! Lots of experience from some of the forum members

My How to beat each event (+videos) guide is still unwritten and won’t be properly in the works for a little while, but I just added a new video for Island Challenge where I give tips about how to do the event. Whether you simply want to watch a team doing lvl 500 IC or want to hear some tips for the event then go check it out.

The current guide I’m still writing is the thread where I’m reviewing every monster in the game. I’m doing a few more from time to time… I’ll get there eventually and start working on the other things.

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Updated the Player Icon previews thread to include the new monster icons! I’ve also added monster ID numbers to them all so the monsters are easier to reference and split the monster icons across multiple posts with links to navigate because there are now 132 of them.

Big thanks to the Devs as always for sharing them.

Killerdog you have my “captain”s pic. I love that monster so much but I still wish he didn’t have poison revenge :sob:

He was my first legendary in the game, on his original release. Poison revenge works nicely with deathmatch mode. It allows you to kill off all the enemies without triggering their revenges. I use it in UC with Atrahasis very effectively.

I plan to change my profile picture from time to time to keep it fresh.

Yeah but toxic killer destoy him because od that. Also, if you joined the game when he was released then that means I started playing bedore you! :speak_no_evil:

I have got Bahamuzar, but it’s icon didn’t unlock. I think its bugged.

I’ve have that bug as well, got no idea why that icon’s glitched.

Strange, mine has worked fine. Have you guys definitely evolved your Bahamuzar? Maybe it requires unlocking the secret skill too?