Feature requests

Lol yea that’s right :joy: Hope they don’t implement that.
PS Deodragon Portrait would be cool tho @Dev_VKC

Shiny Kamiwyrm :blush:

Staticsphere WITH boobs*




Can I also add that training points are included with PvP wins please? The PvP players who don’t like PvE have to grind it just to get them :pensive:


Can players who pass hero rank 200 be granted the ability to have 200 training points at a time @Dev_VKC :slightly_smiling_face:


Allow us to edit our avatar :hugs:


@Dev_VKC cannot scroll through rewards sections if we just want to have/select a particular reward…

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We should also get instant battles for silver and deage @Dev_VKC :eyes:


Have an offline battle section where u can test ur team as well as farm training points

Sounds like PvE…

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What’s a PvE? :joy:

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It’s the place where the cool kids hang out


I’m not sure if this is the official feature request thread or not, but I didn’t find a better thread yet.

Today my small son while eating pizza said, he likes to play in Neo Monsters a 4 party versus match, together with his brother, each player contributing 8 monsters or each player getting 8 random monsters to play against 2 other players. How can he tell the gamemaker to add this button?

I guess he got the idea from other games, where this party style mode is separated from normal PvP as a fun option.

Nice idea, I think, I had to promise him to post it where the gamemaker can see.

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ye I’ve asked for similar in the past too. (a tag team 2 player match).

i think the only thing stopping it is logistics.