Everybody Say Goodbye NeoMONSTERS

Zigzagame finally splits from NTT Resonant and with that came the opportunity for them to bring back gem deals that the community begged for, and have free reign over the monsters they can bring into the game. And what do they do? They waste the opportunity to build on the amazing game they’ve spent years establishing, turning their back on the community that has become so close over these past years and tear down the fabric of this game that truly made it special, the MONSTERS. The past few months have only brought cheesy, borderline pornographic anime girls mirroring their other game, Evertale. While Evertale has had some success, the Devs fail to realize the 2 games are just that, 2 SEPARATE GAMES. It seems they’ve spent so much time designing these anime girls that they haven’t even thought to make any significant changes to any of the same online pve challenges that we’ve all been playing for years much less add any new ones to the mix. It just really saddens me that this game I once loved so much has taken such a turn in the wrong direction. I hope someday the devs go back to their roots and continue to make the game as fun as it used to be.

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD


In the meantime, you should try rolling for lemon whose first form is a strictly superior goldtail that costs 7 less!

Or you can drop 800 dollars on neo “monsters” to get another awakened mythic they are gonna have to nerf in the future

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I also miss the old Neo Monsters. My clan went extinct since there was a mythic.


You known the spilt does not come for free, definitely some profits had to be spilt between the two compaines and when that happens its difficult for the company to stand on its own two feet again.

Everything make sense now, After these difficult times things will be better, you guys should look forward


From experience in the business world this is my expectations to what might have happend

NTT is not the parent company i think its more of a investment company that have significant influence over zigzag games.

Since its a investment company they are looking for profits from their investment.

Here is what i think went wrong,

Zigzag games were not achieving the expectations of NTT and when the financial audited report of zigzag games was issued for the year 2019, NTT got upset with the result but wanted to give zigzag games a chance so they gave them a traget to achieve by mid of year.

So they give them two quarters

First quarter is between Jan-March
Second quarter is between April-June

It became clear to NTT that zigzag games will not achieve the traget so they withdraw their investment and left zigzag games.

Thats why over the last couple of months you have seen multiple marketing strategies being implemented to the game, in order to rise fund

All of this is just my expectations and dont take anything here as fact as there could be more to the story.


All this points to the game ending sooner rather than later.

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There is often a final greedy money grab before games go under. One more Waifu and I switch into casual mode for a while. Keeps going and I quit.

Guys, calm down.

ZigZa operated a japanese Flash Game Website together with NTT. NTT wasnt the mother company, nor did they have a significant investment in ZigZa which they withdrew or whatever. Its 2020 and a Flashgame Website from before 2012 simply isnt state of the art anymore so parting ways is absolutely normal.

For the rest of you who want to sing their monthly Game is dying song I will just leave this little bit here. :wink:

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woah 2mil that’s alot

That ZigZag game publisher summary doesn’t prove squat that Neo is making them lots of money. It could be but we don’t know.
But the fact that they mention Evertale is concerning. If it’s succesful and it got Waifus no wonder they are bringing the ■■■■ stars here as well.

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I am not sure what’s ahead for this game. I recently haven’t been playing because there isn’t much new things for me to look forward to.(Only time I’ve been playing is for login, maybe a few new mons I could train, but I am not much of a PVP player)

I can tell you that Neo isnt making them lots of money compared with Evertale. But if you take into account that Neo is a 5 year old game and then compare it with other apps from 2015 then its doing really really good.

I got curious about the first post in this thread and them splitting from NTT so I started googling. Their Glassdoor reviews popped up and it looks like the guy who wrote the killer stories of the game left a year ago. That’s probably why the online story and main story got stale. Hopefully they find someone who has a similar level of creativity and treat him/her well.


Once I began reading them, There was little to no positive reviews the rating was 1.7 stars

“There was no love for games from any of the staff – they were just in it for the money and didn’t care about quality (especially if it meant spending a penny more)”

That was a quote from someone who quit Zigzagame

Something I gotta clarify something about the person who wrote the narrative of neo? quitting. I don’t see anyone who used to write it(The only one I saw was the 2nd post could that be what you were referring to, but he just said he was working on the narrative of the game)

They should make pve event less bein a dik time consuming.
It would helps, and i dont know most of event now cost regular ticket ?
I dont have some daily ticket to spend on evolution ingredients.
Stop stealing the ticke
And stop the vulgar contents.

Yes, That’s the one I read that made me assume he was the only one. If you think about Neo over the last year and a half there has been little to no additions to the main story. You could argue that the Goddess’ content contributes but I’m talking more so along the lines of the online/main story with the black beast/Maggat/etc.

Everytime I’m feeling down about a waifu design I make myself remember that someone will open a thread like this one, and then I smile again.


As per sensortower.com they are making 90k every month off of neo. I believe this is a step up from a while back. The unfortunate part is that it’s done through what exactly they are selling rather then through actual improvements to the game.


Meanwhile evertale with it’s unfortunate decisions to oversexualize the main characters has gone from 400k a month at release to 1 million a month off of IOS alone. android adds another 500k a month.

It’s not even like evertale has that much extra engaging content. It’s just another grind.

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