Eonarx (poll and discussion thread)

artwork/visual design
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The art is awesome but looks a bit weird, like low quality? And the size/scale is weird too.

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I think the skillset it quite good. It’s ss allows sonic strike and sonic break and even faststrike and fastbreak. Tho I really dont get why they named it ‘ancient knowledge’. I feel ‘adaptibility’ would be more apt. But all in all I feel that the design is real good (like an ancient dragon) and its skillset is good too

The design is more as really good .

I swear i roll all my 80 gems for him :muscle::triumph:


I love how there are clouds around his legs showing the scale of his enormous size.

The secret skill is super interesting where as soon as it gets a turn, you can use it instead of waiting 50 TU like normal TT and you even remove sheild and stealth, and kill off really low hp/hold grounded units (which means they also don’t get a turn). Have hopes for this guy.

Where the heck did you get that I want it


Design is fantastic, not a big fan of his moveset outside Earthquake though. Really really high TU.

I LIKE IT :grin::smile:



  • First turn earthquake (a team turn) and either a low damage dual slayerbane or shield itself and maybe a teammate.

  • Second turn damage has probably got high enough the dual slayerbane will one-shot (at least the not so tanky stuff).

  • Third turn easy one-shot with dual slayerbane or a very high damage slash all.

The above is just theory crafting but to me it seems like it will have very impactful turns. If the first is the only time dual slayerbane is weak then it should perform well if it’s not killed. TT on the first turn is insane.

Bear in mind it’s also full defence with HG and the speed isn’t as low as other TT monsters. It will be very hard to stop! It’s an excellent choice for HP boost too.


He sets up fast strike/sonic strike too. Fantastic unit tbh

Maybe but also maybe not. Earthquake says 100s since the start of battle, so no first turn Earthquake in FL. That’s pretty ignorable though as it’s utility seems outside the FL more. FL it won’t have much impact, but yes Earthquake later in teams will be very effective. I have to wonder though if this will make it weak to Chrono Killer and Times Up. If so, this hurts it’s viability as I think Searguard could quickly come in Roaring Entrance and take it out of the game for free.

I dunno. I’m not sold on the moveset until I look into it more, but the design I’m behind 100%.

P. S. Good to see you again too, KD :joy:

Personaly i think its gonna be great in fl i have some real fun plans hope comes soon and that my ideas dont just entierly flops :joy:

It will definitely be weak to chrono killer.

I am pretty certain it’s in one of the S tiers. It’s very good TT monster.

P.S. Likewise :slight_smile:

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Pvp down so i have only tested through pve but im having lots of fun with this guy he is great strong contender for my favorite leggy already

Does the passive have a ceiling?

I havent hit one yet and my record damage so far is 17k thats at about 750 seconds

Rolled a single 10-pack and got this guy. I don’t know if I should keep rolling though, the other legendaries doesn’t seem to worth it lol

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Id say cetska rhinoel and eonarx are worth it everything else is very hit or miss tho

Like not go below 500 worth it shrine might be here in a week

But definetly worth to pick up now that they have increased rates

PS: congrats!

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It will has done vigerous testing