Astrajlyth (Poll and discussion)


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Well, poison just got a lot more fun. but this kind of flies against having strong stuff like charybdia + freezecobra. One of which is usually essential for it.

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Considering how there is only like 3 or 4 poison monsters that can deal with stun 2 of them being converters and 1 of them being onyxia

Having no freeze gonna leave you very stunable

I dont think we can count mechydra even if he technicly a poison monster and a bisector caus its. Mechydra :melting_face:

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The wording is super vague, but he’s not actually guaranteed 3 revivals… I dunno what the odds are exactly, but trying him out on SCB it usually only happened once or twice.

Also, 2nd form of this guy is just trash

Awesome are though

Its skills just look legendary to me, nothing unique


Not to badmouth this monster, he’s very mid for slow myth. If he’s a legend he’s pretty good but still inferior to Scorpiogeist. If only the speed was the same as Scorpiogeist, it might be a consideration.

For looks the final form is weird, second form alot better.

The only thing about this design i can understand is it being another of devs desperate attempts to nerf nightingale, leira etc by slapping death immunity on more monsters

Rest seems meh

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There’s almost no reason to use it if you already have asmodia. The element is also water, which is the same as freezecobra for endgame, and how often we find poison endgame without freezecobra is very rare.

For sweeps, they are still inferior to Scorpiogeist and Gorgodrake. But I understand Dev’s point, they are afraid to release a good poison monster, because poison is still meta until now.

Nono i understand why they dont wish for this monster to be playable with charybdia feks which is why its water.

What seems intended is to clap this thing in with monsters like selkette. I can respect that. Trying to bring a fresh twist to an old meta

But this thing is like asmodia with its toxic entrence. Its to slow to really get going and its moves are very high seconds

His best use is poison immune punisher to take out the current normal eg monsters like elmphox mantiferno etc you know the poison immune ones that the standard poison egs have a hard time dealing with

I still think death immunity on him is wild. What exactly does it do for him?? Also justice for cinder if he can have perma death immunity so can she :relieved:

All I know is, woolala is eating good in that scb XD

This is true might see a rise in woolala users if this thing catches popularity for some reason as 4 lives is a pain and poison defuse is a nice way to deal with it

I see what they were trying to do but SOLO restriction with that speed… On the flipside if it gets a few outrages off it can swing a match. The passive is easily countered by Void moves which is quite abundant now. It’s more annoying than anything else. Also it’s extremely weak to purify and requires poison support around it.

For PvE it’s F tier.

We know it’s not a waifu that’s why it has 3 solo moves.

Hello, VKC

giving death immunity to every new mythic released won’t solve Nightingale Tenguko combo problem - just fyi.

Fix the problem you made with giving Nightingale unrestricted entrance and unrestricted killing.


is anyone actually using this mythic? If you have asmodia, why use it at all?

Scorpionite ftw :raised_hands:

This is a Lumimalus 2.0 situation.

True 4 star stun assimilating posion massacre anyone :woozy_face:

So they released a mythic banedragon/terrordragon hybrid.

He is a superepic! 5 star!

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