
Which monsters have element measure

Which monsters have element measure

What do you mean by element measure?

Mostly water and fire since of TT.but some say thunder since good legend are in that branch(raizen/Leo/chromera/LB/…).
But that depends on your tram.maybe shadow or holy be your advantage :wink:

F2P Arash

So which monsters have the move element measure

You mean element massacre? This move which deals more damage by enemys with same element.

Alphagear and zephyrox cry in the corner

Let them cry :smiley:
We are talking about legend and those are some losers !!!
(I’m still angry to hatch alpha from a rare egg :smiley: )

F2P Arash

Dont be mad, give them a hankie to dry the tears. :slight_smile:
They are good monsters, support with TT, knockback and can kill with bloodcrave and have stun immune.

That was a joke mate.yeah they aren’t that bad but still it was a rare egg :wink:

F2P Arash

Of course, in a rare egg should be waiting a legend and not alpha. :smiley:

Rare eggs are over rated for me. I stopped hatching it. I wish I could do other things with rare eggs