Either resdesign or move Lavaronix

It blows my mind that Lava is the exact same in moveset and stats as mecha and is a limited while mecha is in the shop for everyone. Either redesign lava completely or place it in the rare egg pool separate from mecha which would be removed from that similar to how omega is the rare egg and not in the regular pool with tia as they are the same just different elements. It makes me confused as to why it’s still limited.

If you opt to resdesign… some suggestions.

Change team turn to link give turn

Give it from the Ashes passive as it’s a Phoenix and that would fit its motif.

Then increase speed to 50

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD


The only difference between the two is their secret skill. Asides from that, I don’t see why Lava is a limited monster when Kamishogun and Solariel are a similar case but are in the rare egg.

Lava was the third legend and first limited I ever got a few months into the game for me on its initial release so I have a soft spot for it.

Get rid of team turn for all of Neo in general.

Turn Lava and Mecha into an amazing 400 Sec Megabomb-centric monster



I see very little of it now since it’s nerf anyway outside of mecha occasionally.

Remove all death revenge to deal small amount of damage AoE. @Dev_VKC


Do not fear the RNG @NoelLemon2


At one point a number of legendaries in the normal egg pool were removed and made limited. I think it was in an attempt to make space in the egg pool, before the rare egg was created (might be mis-remembering the timeline). Lavaronix was one of these monsters that became limited and for that reason it got given a “better” secret skill later on. While both TT monsters were super powerful I don’t think there was any need to make it better or different to Mecha but since the nerf to TT maybe it should be given something extra to make it better like the Devs add a passive to each:

  • Mechaviathan gets poison immunity
  • Lavaronix gets shield entrance (the better one to get)

Another monster which was in the normal egg pool that got removed was Emeraldeus. Other people can probably remember if there were any others. The Devs used it as an excuse to revamp a few monsters (the ones which they removed) but I guess there was no need to buff Lavaronix and they just wanted to reduce the number of people who had two TT in their teams.

The three that were removed and became limited were Dolphoenix, Emeraldeus and Lavaronix. The ones that became Rare Egg exclusives were Solariel, Kamishogun, and the Last Biters but there could be another one I’m forgetting.

I find Lava’s SS completely useless with all the chrono killer/team turn out there. It’ll be one-shirted before it even gets to use it.

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Also the case for mecha. But this guy at least can be comboed with poison gas. @keets