Can we talk about Gryphking?

I just faced someone with lavaronix, Delugazar and Gryphking with a SE tank. And I had an active drako and everything stealthed except him, so no way Delugazar should be able to pass, right? Except that he used aoe 3 times thanks to both lava and gryph, destroying my whole field, AND he even managed a bloodthirst afterwards, ruining my Nereida abyss combo. In other words, he used two team turns. Honestly devs, what were you thinking? Gryph is basically a TT in disguise. A delayed one sure, but lava easily fixes that. Gryph just brought about the return of the dreaded multi TT combo, and it is horrifying. It’s an easy fix though, just treat gryph like a TT and lock his skill if there’s another TT on the field, and also prohibit GTing to him. Giving 4 turns in rapid succession is STUPIDLY powerful, so he absolutely deserves to have to wait the full 160 TU to do it, especially since he has an extra shield. This seems harsh I know, but just remember how broken a move like Give Turn is in general.

You need to sell gems to players one way or another I guess
Faced simillar team yesterday I just watched as his GT with that mortar chicken until my turn came and quit,no point of playing against these teams

We had had this Topic a few weeks ago at the Forum

Setting up the line is a player skill imo.
I hate sleep lock by goldtail, leo and drako, but I wouldn’t complain about it.
(I don’t disrespect a specific player, lochi😉)

There are many chrono killers to counter them.

I just faced someone with lavaronix, Delugazar and Gryphking with a SE tank. And I had an active drako and everything stealthed except him, so no way Delugazar should be able to pass, right? Except that he used aoe 3 times thanks to both lava and gryph, destroying my whole field, AND he even managed a bloodthirst afterwards, ruining my Nereida abyss combo. In other words, he used two team turns. Honestly devs, what were you thinking? Gryph is basically a TT in disguise. A delayed one sure, but lava easily fixes that. Gryph just brought about the return of the dreaded multi TT combo, and it is horrifying. It’s an easy fix though, just treat gryph like a TT and lock his skill if there’s another TT on the field, and also prohibit GTing to him. Giving 4 turns in rapid succession is STUPIDLY powerful, so he absolutely deserves to have to wait the full 160 TU to do it, especially since he has an extra shield. This seems harsh I know, but just remember how broken a move like Give Turn is in general.

Good thing a lot of ppl don’t have him

When this discussion was before I think we wanted:

  1. You can’t give turn to a monster which can give 2+ turns.
  2. You can’t use team turn with another monster that can give 2+ turns on the field.

I can’t remember if (2) was in there, but it was something like that. I think it’s great how these monsters can work together but when you have a charged sweeper and certain combinations of GT monsters it can get a bit OP (or has the potential to anyway). It needs strict rules to avoid this.

I’m so glad I have Cyclozar as a reliable counter for TTs in the front line! One good thing about all GT monsters is they’re slow, which means you can almost always make a counter line-up.

I was going to say, monsters that give turns shouldn’t have hold ground. But then, there’s the Chrono & Toxic Killers that one-shot them…

I really hate those monsters. Cos I don’t have any hold ground turn givers. But what I don’t like even more is the instant ‘got turn’. And funnily enough, these monsters also have very short cool down times. A lot of imbalance in the game. A fine P2W game. :slight_smile:

All this talk about how powerful Gryphking is making me sad that I didn’t get him in that mortar festival we had a few weeks ago. Oh well, there’s always going to be more chances to get it.