Eggs hatching, Myths and Legends. Share and participate to see if it's true

I’ll finish this later.

The post was meant to get more information, that’s why you call them theories, they are yet to be tested.

There’s nothing more to explain really

Yes, and if I flip a coin ten times and get heads seven times then the actual odds of getting heads when you flip a coin is 70% as you can see.


That’s true that we have nothing to lose, but I also don’t see any reason to believe that something completely unrelated such as your wifi signal, time of day, or waiting more than six seconds into the egg hatch could change the results of what you get from the eggs. If you watched DonT’s videos, you could count the legends and mythics he hatches in all of his livestreams and find that they align pretty closely with the stated odds.

Disclaimer: I’m not offended; I’m just an angery duck.


Unless everybody tests coordinately, we will never have enough evidence to prove anything of this is true. I was about to say something but @NMEduck said it before me: I don’t have the exact numbers now, but collecting data from DonT89’s hatch history, well documented over his multiple hatches, you’ll see that the odds are not distant from what the Devs advertise.

Since I myself don’t believe in anecdotal evidence, though, I’ll go look at some of his streams and try to look for some patterns.

P.S. Bayesian gang

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That’s like saying someone with a bpm of 110 would get more legendaries than someone with a bpm of 95 because I saw them each hatch three packs at the same time and the first guy got four legends while the other guy got all dupes.

BPM = beats (heartbeat) per minute. It’s completely unrelated from hatching eggs, but the same could be said about your wifi connection or how long you wait into hatching an egg.

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Legends say there is a special ceremonial dance, when performed exactly as delivered by the ancient tribe one will hatch with the best results possible.


Wifi has nothing to do with hatching. The only way it would be a factor is if the devs coded the hatching system to specifically change the odds of getting good monsters if you have a weaker/stronger wifi connection. This would be both incredibly stupid and not something the devs would ever do.
Disclaimer: ye I read your whole post and all of the replies.

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Legend says if you delete Flocculasaurus from your collection you will unlock a secret banner which will give you an awakened mythic and 6 legends of your choosing!


Interesting: I’ll gladly leave it there, just please, try my methods listed in the poll and vote on them. I’ll leave conclusions for all to see.

you have nothing to lose ^^

Mind if I add some new options? One time when I was sharing accounts with Bonanoe, we hatched during a festival while alternating who was the hatcher and got zero legendaries in six packs in a row. Perhaps changing the IP address or using the restore code too often while hatching could lower the odds?

Another time two months ago I screamed MOJINATOR LUCK!!! really loud in my house right before hatching three packs during the anniversary festival and getting all of the featured legendaries I wanted. Maybe the devs coded neomonsters to use the speakers to pick up on sound and give us better hatches? The data could support this argument :thinking:


The first few lines were clearly a joke.

This pretty much summarizes my thoughts on this thread.

The fact is, when the odds are as low as 1% for mythics and 3-5% for legends, the expected deviation in terms of results is huge.

But, just for fun, I did an experiment. In Hunter Island, the odds of a random Arkadion(I will call them ‘arks’ from now on) in a random battle being S rank is 1%.

Therefore, I tested 1045 Arks in batches of 100. Given that many Arks, you would expect that 10 of them would be S rank, and 1 would be S rank in each batch. However, one of the batches had 4 S ranks, one of them had 0, and the total number across all tests and batches was 13.

Now, that may seem like a highly unlikely outcome, and maybe my numbers are wrong, but, after testing 746 Arks, I got 6 S ranks, less lucky than the numbers predict.

My point is, numbers are weird, and a representative sample for such low percentages is incredibly high. There are no secrets, there are no shortcuts, and there is no reason for the devs to put in those secrets anyway. The fact is , the devs want us to get less legends and Mythics, not more, so they would never make systems like this in the first place.

A pack has 10 eggs. A random pack should, statistically, have only epics and SEs. There is no reason that opening a single would affect your luck anyway.

Actually, the server being related to egg results strongly suggests that there is no secret, and that the server is being used to make the rng fair.

Overall, this is a thread with no evidence except for personal stories with miniscule sample sizes. I would advise any player looking for better egg results to ignore this topic and instead look at the many advice threads by actual game pros which can show you how to best spend your gems for real results, and not listen to conspiricy theories with no basis in fact.


I’d like the name of this thread to be " Eggs hatching, Myths and Legends. Share and see if it’s true!"
That would make it more interesting


I love when people don’t understand basic probability and assume things based on small sample sizes.


Before hatching i fart so…


Still, there is a lot of people with funny and crazy theories. It’s good to them to have a place to share them.

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What a load of absolute nonsense.

I have a low resting BPM and it rarely raises unless I do anaerobic respiration or am surprised. This must be why, overall, I have hatched the average results expressed in the game.


When hatching a single or rare egg. If all the eggs in the nest are spotless then it’s a epic(se in case of rare egg) nothing wrong with it, just makes u sad few second earlier then intended😭

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That Angara cat/dog mythic is from ur place?