Dolphoone's death revenge

Its basically a revenge after its death which kills monsters and also I don’t remember what it was called

Doesnt make any sense but ok

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That’s why you’re not top, I’m a meaningless person and look at me! I’m a success :joy::joy::joy: ok no

Seriously?:clown_face: I never would have imagined it
If you say for example you got top one and its been 24 years now and you havent gotten one since and then you brag about it and charge your ego and do this day by day,u will lost control and u will probably lost all the respect for the top 1 you got, that’s what i mean,if you got top 1,no use bragging

Lmao look what you just made me say @Mr_Lokiiii

Actually he meant the other way round u kill the enemies dolphoone , then u get some control but due to dolphoone’s revenge everything dies and u lose control .

nothing i care lol

I think that removing that ability would be too much for those who use it so it would be better if they modify the ability but still keep some of its essence. The best they could do is that its death sentence is random, that way if we have a little luck that ability will not affect any of our monsters