Do we need a faster Egg rotation?

With mythics becoming more and more relevant and both the legendary and mythic featured pool increasing should we increase the cycle speed? Maybe 5 special eggs per week or another way to speed up the cycle. So we dont have to wait half a year for a featured mythic.


I asked for a calendar about a year ago so we at least had some kind of idea when things were coming. There were people who argued that would be “too hard,” when in reality an intern could do it. But that’s neither here nor there :upside_down_face:

Devs don’t really listen to quality of life suggestions when it comes to the hatching system.


I think they’ll slowly increase the frequency as there are more mythics. In Evertale they’ve been making more “eggs” come out each week. I think they’re on something like 5 a week now.


That’s very good to know.

Me, who applied for a internship not so long ago ( looks away, horrified!) after learning what truly happened to interns.

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It’s a good idea @Randolph . If they don’t increase the cycle, increase the pickup Mythic to 2 each time and increase the emission rate of mythic at the same time (eg 1.5%~2%).

3 times per week still good , we need time to save gem . Very hard for f2p

It’s only upside. You can still save as f2p just like before.

I think it’s industry standard to have just 1 featured at a time. When you’re asking for close to $1000 for a monster in the game then you’ve got to let them pick the monster they want. For the big spenders it’s terrible if they have to hatch at a time when they already own the other featured mythic.

Increasing the hatch rate of mythics could obviously balance it out… but there’s almost no chance at all they will do that.