Did you want a legendary?


Hi. I just need to know one thing: its just me don’t get a legendary yet?  :frowning:

My rank: 27

My dream: any legendary

My reality:


Save your gems - wait for Oct 22 - and your dream will come true.

Buy 500 gems and roll…u will get at least 1 legendary…tat much is for sure…

pssh,legends are no big deal,get my 1st legendary when I was rnked 50 something

Got my first leggy at rank 84 so your not unlucky just impatient. At least new players gets a free legend with cronox

At rank 75 and still haven’t got a legendary, you’ll be okay haha

i didnt get a legendary even when i hatched 10 eggs together ( 50 gems ) and the legendary probability was increased to 6.1%

Well its luck based, actually i already opend 2 10 packs but still no sign of legendary stuff,youl get the hang of it, save you gems for oct 22 anniversary, maybe theyll come up with somthin

Another dupe :joy::joy::joy::joy:


hmm… so I’m about to start a topic if this is the right time to open 1x10 eggs but after reading comments, I guess I’ll just wait and save my gems for Oct 22?  :slight_smile:

Well its up to you if you think your lucky then why dont give it a shot

only 2 mons have higher chances of getting, are they good? I only have godfeather and epics below.

Lavacronix is very good,Apollo sucxs

I would say no, if you have teamturner already

Hmm… I guess I’ll just wait, team turn is good but it’s no use on my current team, it just consist of aoe, timestrike, sleep and poisons and mostly 3 star or 4 star.

I got a SoulStealer & Dolpheonix

to OP, it’s ok, keep waiting and have patience. Rank 27 isn’t that far into the game. I hit rank 50 before I got my first legend.

I dont knew about 22/10. But now i will wait to spend my gems. Thanks everyone :smiley: