Hatching first egg

Hello guys.

I was wondering if it is possible to hatch a legendary on the first egg afer you get 8 gems from randolph? I have tried over 50 times and still no luck.

It IS possible, just less likely.
The devs might have changed it, but in July I firsthand witnessed someone getting a legendary on their first roll with no rerolls

Ok thanks for the quick reply, I guess I am just unlucky :stuck_out_tongue:

The selection of monsters in first egg are really low :(. Tried over 300 times (i count it) and only 5 Legendarys. You can get legis but hmm… you need huge luck.

Better way is to go through the rookie league. Then spin 2-3 eggs when you go online.

Yes, i agree. I did this and got more and better monsters. It takes longer time but its better.

I have 2 accounts with legend on it i dont use
1 with shadowyrm
2 with don penguini
Took me 10-15 tries both account to get a legend
1st roll both

So… you don’t use it…? :slight_smile:

Nop :smiley: pick one and PM me iff you want it
Maybe i will give it to u buddy

Thank you. I thought maybe the topic opener will be happy with it.

I will continue fighting with my fantastic team full of SE and epics. :smiley:

I feel you i only get my 1st legend on day 100 login reward lol i know the feeling

I remember you told us you get a survivor legend, right? where is it now?

Yes I have an appollorexus. My only one legendary! I think I could better say thay I have a team with almost only SE an epics. Sorry for my bad english. ;p

Apollorexus is good. I want one.

Yeah sometimes I can kill to 5 monsters! What a like most is even it is killed very fast you always kill random 1 with death revenge.

I just woke up and I read this. If you wild be so kind to give me the account with don penguini I would be very happy! I have sent you a PM.

I get it with a single hatch with 5 gems. I couldn’t believe it! I have one legendary by now. The rest of my team is full of SE & epics. :confused:

Check your PM buddy
Enjoy it

Thank you, kind sir!

do u still have the account with Don penguini can I gave it??? Plsss…I try more than 5x to get legendary in first egg roll bit didn’t manage…

Please check the date on a topic before posting on it. I highly doubt that an account that was posted 7 months ago will still be available anyway. Locking.