Devs. Please fix Malware Wing

He always sleeps my Leogeist.




Random my @$$. Fix his coding because malwing always sleeping the stun converter or stun immune is a load of :racehorse::poop: from an already incredibly powerful monster.

Fix it.

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This skill in no way targets any specific monsters or monsters with certain skills. It is random, and if there is an problem with the random number generator, that is an issue with Unity, not with Neomon.

Presuming this is correct. What about all the other bugs that were mentioned? Would u like me to take a screen shot next time my POISONED monsters are sleeping?

I can confirm what @Boiler said. Two matches with malware wing. In both of them I have a TT. Next in line. Both times it is put to sleep.

For me it targets stun absorbers and stun counters/converters.

The issue seems to be related with the monster that next gets a turn. If there’s a stun counter/converter, it gets placed next in line because of the stun, then slept because it’s next. Please, run some testing and see for yourself. This has happened to my Valza SO many times!

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This is very strange. I believe most of you experience this in PvP, did it happen often in PvE as well?

Yes, it’s happened to me in PvE too, with Sobeking. Tranquilizing entrance on enemy side paired with a stun converter/counter on my side seems to cause the counter/converter to fall asleep. Whenever my Valza is on field, this happens.

Yes. Almost lost time attack 3.11 because malwing stunned Bazil, Warca, and Soulstealer and slept Wraithhost.

It also slept TT in a similar arrangement.

Good to know that we are all just consistently experiencing the same horrible luck then.

Yeah right

Dreamy entrance targeting: more often hits the next monster to get a turn

Tranquilizing entrance targeting: same as above, but after the stun has been applied

One-on-one targeting: more often leaves a monster awake that has some kind of stun passive (stun immune/absorb/counter) or a monster that has been stunned to many seconds.

Roulette targeting: more often hits the team which has an active protector. (FIXED)

What I’m saying here is not a theory, it’s from playing hundreds of hours and seeing things time and time again. I’m someone who likes to work with numbers rather than suspicions so please believe what everyone is saying, I completely support it.

I’ve used a OoO front line in PvE for the majority of my battles for the last 1.5 years and can now predict which monster will stay awake with quite good accuracy. Simple tests like repeating the same SCB over and over when there is a particular “lucky target” will give you the skewed data. I actually used to abuse the targeting mechanics with use of Galliodragon + Stratustrike. If there’s a SE protector with stun absorb then it’s SUPER LIKELY that it will be the one to stay awake after I use Stun Flash -> OoO.

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD Please do some tests using Gallio+Stratu on different enemy teams and have a look at what happens. Try things like:

  1. They have a SE protector/absorber and no other stun immune monsters.
  2. They have Shadowyrm/Leogeist/Mechaviathan and no other stun immune monsters.
    Use Stun Flash in all those cases except with Leogeist.
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Death roulette usually hits the friendly monster who last had turn

Devs need Better random numbers

Haha apparently

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD malwing enters asleep. Explain that

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And notice it sleeps chromera, the next monster that would get a turn.

I think that explains it Devs. If Leo is on the field he woild be the next to get a turn so he falls alseep.

I happened recently with Leogeist who was poisoned, entered Malware Wing and slept Leo, step to last place … and I stayed like what happened here! :scream:

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