Devs do something about that god-damned occult level 4

I have been trying to beat that ■■■■ for the past 40 hours. No luck. Devs you literally crammed every legendary in there. WTF? How can you beat that. Tort and Auro in a flight with skele for Gravity field so you can’t knock back them. And aegis and stag up next with ******* Croc. And how can he One shot my monsters with divine rage only after using charge slayerbane just ONE time. That event is evil. Can you just please tone down the difficulty and remove the two staticspheres it would be nice. Please. Not everyone has spent on this game and not every one has goldtail to carry them to victory.

Occult is by far the toughest event. The fight is doable and I don’t think it’s most diffucult we’ve had ( roaring entrance tene flashback ).

Just ignore this thread. I just went back and beat it lol. Mods you can delete it/lock it. Sorry for my profanity

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