Defensive mode is useless

I think defensive mode is useless in the game.
this passive need to be redesign.we always can’t use this passive in battle.



Tbh I also think it’s useless

Every monster one shot these days maybe change it into fighting spirit

Agree maybe the worst passive in the game right now

It’s incredibly useless haha. I never understood why emeraldeus got that passive back these days :joy:

Defence mode is useless but harden canterpace is useful

defensive mode it’s like Dev felt some sort of guilt to empty monster passive and proceed to put the most useless passive that basically no passive at all


I completed the new scb it was not that difficult but saw a glitch that the new legendary monster’s defence was buffed

I think thats because the passive is on

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No,he was on 40 percent hp when I took the screenshot

His passive only activates when his hp is 70% or lower


Did you see that Simuronix is featured with him in the egg? I think it’s meant to be used with Simuronix’s equalize and Shiva’s HP sharing. It’s a great monster for Garcia’s hordes but in PvP he will never ever ever ever ever manage to get 5 kills with high TU moves like that.

Just saw the moveset of the new legendary. Doesn’t make sense to have defensive mode and cannibalise on 1 monster… Why heal when the monster “benefits” of low hp? It instead should have something like harden carpace or Double Hp when above 50% hp or something similar.

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Yep, like 4000 max hp = 8000 hp, and when you reach below 50% then form there on its gonna be normal (starting at 4000 and jumping to 2000). It also prevents some of those excessive force moves to go actually kill those who has the passive unlike the double defence passives.

Ok so let me see if I understood:

Start of the battle, the monster has 8000/8000 HP. Then, if it sustains 4000 damage, its MaxHP go down to 4000 but his actual HP decrease proportionally, going to 2000.

That sounds cool and I’m all for it, since I’m a great fan of damage sponges. This skill needs to go on a Auto Protect monster, AP spam will never be quite the same.

Yeah that’s how i was thinking. So if it sustains an attack dealing 7500 damage then after the attack the hp will be converted again to it’s original number which in this 8000 to 500 hp case will be 250

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Completely agree Laxus. It’s awful