Death revenge bug

So recently the damage on death revenge was altered so that it deals exact damage, similar to slayerbane. However this has had an added effect: it no longer counts as damage it seems, meaning it now bypasses soul shield and shield entrance if it hits them.

Was this intentional? It’s not a huge deal but it does remove one of the very few semi counters against zib, which is a bit unfortunate given the meta right now.

Just wondering

Noticed the same. It’s a bug for sure: on shield entrance the description says it blocks any source of damage so that should include DR.

I also noticed that pinguinators attacks like ultra thunder go through shields, not sure if it’s intentional.

This is out topic but I just want to share that I encounter enemy that bypassed my protect teammates on se monster.
Note: He is not knocked back because he’s not at the end of my team and there is no knockback next monster on enemy’s team.

Excessive force bypasses shields. Anyways excessive force is bugged in general. Penguinator has many oddities that can’t be explained. Slayerbane doesn’t do exact damage, penguinator does. If you ultra thunder a HG mon, it’ll do 1 dmg. Damage scaling is also screwed, get high enough in SotF and Penguinator Ultra all starts doing more damage then GF AT lol.

Also Protect teammates expires after 500s. Not many know this.

REALLY? *Mind Blown

I did not know that!! And I dont think its true
Def not true

I have my doubts about this, especially cause I’ve had protect last for much longer while doing the UC

Yeah I also exceeded 500 secs. using protect on the previous UC and still works