Curious about the Stun Bomb Curse on Zeuswyrm

As you can see it says after 320 second the monster explodes and stuns all enemies on the battlefield for 200 tu. Assuming it kills all enemies and none of them has HG, the skill is useless. Because when a monster will get killed the Stun will also trigger at the same time and will be wasted. Unless only the monster which was targeted explodes and not all of them. But in order for this skill to be useful it requires all the monster to have HG so they get stunned. Also Zeuswyrm is OP. (LoL) but if anyone can clear my confusion, it would be helpful.

Also this guy (Centurion) is even more OP. A roaring+stunning enterance with shield??!!??! Haha OK @dev_vkc. Really good power creep. What’s next? Slayerbane all enterance?

P.s I know it’s bad to talk about unreleased monsters and yada yada but seriously, this is power creep. And how much you gonna change? These are my thoughts and Zeuswyrm will (probably) be released tommorow, so yeah…


It was my understanding the stun is the bomb. Cursed monster dies and upon death stuns the other 3.

Also i think its fair game to discuss these since we can revive them and learn movesets in SDT. Its fair game at this point.

And yes, this is quintessential power creep. But there are also so many stun counters out there now we may find it less terrifying than we thought.

Im still rolling 300 for it though.

What’s confusing? It says the enemy dies and the others get stunned. It doesn’t hit the other monsters like bomb curse only the stun

OMFG, are you for real man??
If you dislike or don’t like this power creep, stop playing then!!!

These are unreleased monsters that you’re talking about, and idk what tf is wrong with you, but stop complaining all the time man!!

This has got to do with the Balancing thing hasn’t it??

Seriously? It only kills the one monster? Well that clarifies it. Thanks to all the people who helped (except @MonkeyDluffy) also regarding power creep it’s a valid discussion and I also plan to roll so no complaints here. Just a random thought I wanted to discuss.

@MonkeyDluffy bro I have said it before and will say it again: I AM SORRY. That was a misunderstanding.

Hell no dude, but you are always ■■■■■■■ complaining about every god damn monster,
Nerf this, nerf that, like wtf!!

And now there is no new egg & but you go on your ■■■■■■■ rant & tell Devs , oh great Devs, you’re doing the power creep & but you will release them anyway,

If you’re so angry then STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.!!!

If you planned to roll, then why make this topic in first place ??

To discuss ? What ? These are unreleased monsters that we are talking about.
Let them get released first, then you will or can talk about them all you want .!! For crying out loud.

Okay maybe I will do that. I have had enough of this crap. I just made a mistake okay. Also what’s the last Nerf/buff thread I made? I don’t even comment on tjose

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Idc if I become the bad guy here, but you jeez,
If this was your first mistake then it’s all good, but this has become your habbit.

I think I mentioned I wanted to remove a confusion. I did. Thanks yo everyone who helped. But you don’t have to comment all that just because I helped fix a glitch (cheat?). No reason to do all that. But if you insist it’s your personal vendettaand I will ignore that

Uh…no I don’t make these threads. I don’t even remember the last time thread I made on this issue

I’m not even talking about balancion bug ? Am I ??

But this post is just ridiculous.
You ask Devs , curious about bomb curse then tell them oh you’re great at making this game about power creep , good job Devs, centaureon is OP, .
And you’re reasoning is you knew what reaction will be there if you made this post .

You guys can continue the fight in private image

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You know what? I wanted to remove my confusion. Removed. @ILAGaLOT or @Killerdogcan anybody lock this thread before it… gets out of hand

There is lounge for that you know

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