Chrome egg and valentines event

Now I’ve got CHROM too - from a single egg :joy:

that’s a lucky hatch :slight_smile: welcome to the chrome club :joy:

Well… I wish better luck next time… I really wanted Goldtail

Burns and apollo aren’t bad.

Burns is pretty underrated.

Burnsalot is really good i wish i had him

That’s too bad.

Wishes did come true afterall, got burnsalot on rare gem :smiley:

Hatched stormloch.
My first and only sleep monster, so with 130 sec sleep move with only 60 % im not sure i even gonna use him.

I am facing the same problem with the same monster

Currently not using him waiting for SS or another leg to use with him,alone he can’t do that much

It has a 70 second sleep. Not 130 second.

that’s really bad luck :confused:

I hatched two packs and got only one legendary. A dupe of Nightrider.

I’m mostly aiming for Chrome because I’ve got Goldtail. I guess I wouldn’t mind Loneeye though.

Ow thats better.
Gonna try it now, but alone he is still aint that great imo

Pair him with shiva he can be good

Might have to try this with goldtail :slight_smile:

It’s… Maybe next time… now I’ll have to accumulate gems

How did you get Goldtail?

Ye i can see why
But i dont have him too :slight_smile:
Well im 2 gems short for my 3rd pack. Hope i will get something out of it

2 10 in 1 and only got Gallio for my 2nd legendary, gonna roll a single egg and see how it’ll turn out. :3
Sad, only got an epic, I wish I didnt waste those 105 gems. :3 gonna start from scratch. -_-

I got Goldtail a long time ago for the 1 year anniversary. It’s a great mon and I pair her with Polareon, Shadowhunter, and Metatherion.

I’m very depressed that I only got 1 legend, I should not have listened to Vegetto about rolling this valentines festival egg. 110 gems down the drain. :’(