christmas event idea

I have an idea for changing up the login bonuses for the upcoming month. How about we change it to 1 gem login per day? This’ll surely attract players over a long term scale giving the duration of the type of event plus more chances at getting better monsters from the festival egg. 

Hope you guys like the idea

Like they will spend us 30gems
Pocket Wont glow anymore

But i like the idea

yeah i get that, but still would be a very nice event if it did happen XD

Here’s another idea worth consideration:

Have a LEDGENDARY egg.

Merry X mas!

How bout another special egg more chance to get legends and superepic low chance of epic kinda

Or a “Gift Egg” super-epics and legends only…

They recently gave us 5 gems for thanksgiving, I’d doubt they give anymore till Christmas day

I think it would be cool if they made a special dungeon, and if you clear it, you unlock a special egg, that has various rewards like a few gems, silver, fruits, or rare materials. It’s not insanely op, but it’s grindable and it would be fun to do to earn extra gems/materials and such. Or possibly release an egg for 7-10 gems that has only super epics and above, which if you think about it, is a very good deal as on average you can maybe pull 1/4 super epics or lower on rates, so twice the price for a guaranteed one is nice

Another transfer monster!

Christmas is once a year, and they did initially say we would get 3 and not 1 several times

It would reward long time players and celebrate Christmas at the same time

Demigod523 got a message from the devs saying that “We had a lot of problems with it and had to limit it to 1. We are very busy working on other features and don’t have time in the schedule to go back and open that up again. Sorry”. So, darn.

That sucks. Well, an exclusive Christmas legendary sounds neat, and equal in performance. Could have a Christmas look to it and renamed moves.

I like the idea of farmable gems through a dungeon