Can I join the F2P clan

Lol lochi.

:lol:  :lol: lochi.Can i join?

Everybody is free to play this game :stuck_out_tongue:

I‘m sorry but what information is line collecting? I mean it can’t be worse than Facebook which I’m also refusing to use.

then use Skype,it’s pretty safer then the other social media

This is odd also if you worried about info collecting then anything connected to the internet is doing it to you
The minute you are born you are apart of the system so unless you use no phone no internet and live in the forest your info is not secure

One man asked if he can join f2p clan but now we are talking about internet and security.

Haha true lol I wasn’t good enough to join the f2p clan guess il stick with rna.

I would rather that some random company that I don’t trust didn’t have my contacts list.

Certain companies having my info is fine, I don’t want to give it all to line though. I don’t trust them.

so do you trust these other companies that have your info?

So what? I don’t understand the meaning of your notes!!! As long as you are out of clan(no matter the reasons) those are inside will take the responsibles. But I (like other) will appreciate you both as good player and one of F2P soon as you come back,you can easily try to get your crown back :smiley:
Batcop is an amazing player that’s why we always let him decide which we should do.

F2P Arash

Yes, I trust AT&T and apple. Along with the NM devs.

yeah we’ll see where this goes.:unamused:

Lochi is it too late for me to go and hide in the frost so i can hide my info or i be fine ?

Too late to hide info Zard, we know all your monsters on NM.

so can i join f2p clan.i have 12 legends and can beat superchallenge

And how much many have you spent? :wink: :wink:


Then sure :slight_smile:

how to join

Stick F2P by your name in game and PM batcop to add you to the line group.