Bulbieboom bug

It’s been months since I encountered this bug and reported it but it seems it still hasn’t been fixed. :confused:

So I kill the ziberius, it stuns, then my bulbie activates to pop. Both players then gets stuck in this situation but apparently I lost even though my opponent disconnected first. Oh well…

It’s been months since I encountered Elizabeth Chan. I was getting worried for you! Hope you’re well!

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Hi Elizabeth ちゃん

Do you have more details about monsters on both team? If you have their coming reinforcements, that would be even better.

The screenshot you attached doesn’t seem to match the situation you addressed.



As you can see, ziberius was in the place of gyo… that water confident strike guy. Since it is still registered as an incoming monster if you look at top right corner. That’s about all I can give you. :confused:

So I’m guessing your Bulbieboom was already at 223s then you used bloodcrave from Searguard to kill Ziberius in position 3. The stun revenge should add enough seconds to Bulbie to make it explode, but Gyomurai entered and nothing more happened… the game froze.

Is that about right?

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