Buff Horrorclaw and Cryptblade back to how they were

It would be great to have buff clones…but i think it is still possible to climb above lvl 100++ without sleeper team combo or other special legendaries…just don’t expect to go above 200…><"



1.They are thinking about it
2.they have lots of things to worry about like permanent pvp, new legends, new events, 1 year aniversary…
3.if they really are going to reverse the patch they will do it along with gazer and chronox in the new actualization

Definitely signed

stuck on 3rd GK. . .

signed :slight_smile:

I agree! signed!



Without the revive and buff i still manage to go up 3 higher in this UC compared to the last one…hope to climb up a few lvls more before it ends…><"

I’ll just sign this a second time, since devs don’t seem to be responding to this.  Up!


Devs might be working hard for a new update or maybe new content for the anniversary, so they can’t reply to the topics for now. I will try to contact them after the 22nd of October