Bring back the 60 egg guarantee

Hey @Dev_VKC

I used to play this game hardcore like 20+ hours a week and spend $30 a month. I used to grind for gems.

Then you guys took away the guarantee 6pk. Now its just gambling. Now i may as well buy scratch offs.

You replaced grind/work with straight up gambling.

As a result, I don’t really see the point in grinding hard for gems, and I certainly don’t see the point in spending (and have not since December).

Perhaps egg to egg odds are now better, but the 60egg was 100% and that’s better than what we have now.

Please bring back the 60 egg guarantee.


Think devs were considering pity timer. Probably the better solution.

Imo I’ve gotten more from without 60 egg guarantee then with it. Would rather have it and a pity timer.


Devs could keep the percentage of current eggs, which is fair given the absurd price of gems, and bring back the 10pk guarantee.

The 10pk guarantee made it so that you knew what you were getting. Now it is gambling. You are exchanging your gems and/or money for a chance at a prize. Which is categorically gambling.

Im kinda surprised at your opinion on this as the new system has taken the P2W system and made it into a W2W (whale to win) system. Im happy for you that you’ve had better luck. But the neomon system is a fickle mistress and without the guarantee you will lose playing 4% odds in the end.

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Money can’t replace skill though.

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Angelion can replace skill :sweat_smile:


Hmmm, has yet to in my experience.

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Don’t fight guys

@Zardecil Batman and Ironman would tell you otherwise


Going to have to agree though skills beat money
Don’t forget Batman and iron man do well due to skills they just have money as well remember iron man created his suits equals skills and Batman still needs to outsmart his opp skills

True but they both obtained those skills by making it rain dollar bills haha ( Needed the massive cash flow to creat their respective gear)

With x10 chance you must pay very much money to got limit monster . Nph needs money, they don’t care any thing Our opinions in the past time

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True money helps it but it doesn’t grow a brain :thinking:or does it further study needs to be conducted

Technically this is both false and true. Some people might have to spend a fortune to get featured ones with the 10x, but that requires mad bad luck. And the 6th pack guarantee is guaranteed but the odds of getting the featured ones on the first 5 packs is basically non existent. So id prefer to roll 1 pack each festival worth 40 gems than 6 packs worth 300 gems every few months for different monsters rather than just 1 guaranteed one.

You’re absolutely right, but isn’t the game a whole lot more fun with a wider variety of monsters to build teams with?

With this egg type, I personally spend more than 1500 gems and only get 1 limit legend and 1 limit mythic. many of my friends paid more than that without getting anything. This made many people quit the game. Get more money from new eggs but lose a lot of players. This is not wise at all


So you’re saying you roll 37 packs for 1 limited legendary and 1 limited mythic. Jesus how bad luck do you have when the odds of getting 10x limited legendaries when hatching legendary eggs is 24%+

not only 1500 gems for 1 fes but 3 fes, 640 gem get only one limit legend, 480 gem get 1 mythic and last fes get nothing, lol .some of my friend hatch 1000 or more gem and get nothing. lol

There is another way. Hear me out.

They dont bring back the old system in its entirety. Just the 60 egg guarantee.

Then you can have your odds and actually get what you pay for/play for. And then the poor saps with no luck whatsoever can actually continue to collect monsters.