We are sick of gambling !

@Dev_VKC and @Dev_BRD may you please bring back guaranteed eggs .

This new system is ridiculous , gambling with odds less than 6% is pure sh*t.

6 packs = 0 legends wtf? 240 gems for nothing, if it was guaranteed I would have just saved 300 gems.

Increase it to 8 packs for a guaranteed egg for all I care but bring it back For legends only

Who else is with me?


I agree that it’s too much based on luck and other games give better odds.

In addition to the current odds I propose a pity timer: guaranteed legendary any 8 packs hatched which would carry over each banner if no legends are hatched. The trick is that you could “time” your final hatch (if you were as unlucky as me) to a special egg banner that has the monsters you want to get a better shot at them. I think that would be a fair way to offset bad luck.


But dont remove 10x … Add guaranteed as extra


Just gonna point out that there’s actually a higher chance of getting a specific featured legendary in seven packs (280 gems) with the current system than when there was a guaranteed featured at six packs (300 gems).

Usually what happened was there were two featured legendaries and you were guaranteed to get one of them after six packs. This would give a 50% chance of getting a specific featured legendary as long as you wanted one of them. With the featured rate so much higher now (15x instead of 3x) and packs costing 10 fewer gems, there is also around a 50% chance of getting a specific featured legendary. Since the featured rate is 5x higher, you also have a pretty high chance of getting featured legendaries in your other packs.
It would be awesome to have a pity timer tho. I just feel like a lot of the ppl who are saying the old system was better are forgetting the time when someone could spend 300 gems to get a mojinator.


I call bullsh*t any mathematicians to prove these claims coz i opened 6 packs and it didn’t feel like 50%

I in total opened 8 packs and only 2 new legendary

Atleast back then you got a legend. Now you get nothing, you are lucky thetefore you see no problem but to me opening 6 packs for nothin is a problem

The odds of hatching angelion in 1 egg are 0.963%, so the odds of not hatching angelion in 1 egg is 99.037%. The odds of getting angelion in 300 gems, or 75 eggs, is about 51.6% with the current system.
These odds also apply for the three other featured legendaries. I’d love for there to be a pity timer, but there’s simply no argument to be made for having the old system over the new one.

Odds of not getting angelion in 75 eggs: 0.99037^75 = ~0.484 or 48.4%
Odds of getting angelion in 75 eggs: 1 - 0.484 = 0.516 or 51.6%

actually it’s 15x bc of the anniversary

Disclaimer: I’m not a mathematician. I just a duck who happens to have a calculator addon for Google Chrome.


I have been consistently getting more legendaries in this system… in old system , it was 1 new every 6 packs…

I like this more but I wont deny the festivals when I dint get anything just like broly today… But overall results seem in favor of players…

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Well I also happened to flip a coin ten times and when I got seven heads it certainly didn’t feel like 50% to me…


How does one feel percentage? Some Yoda â– â– â– â–  or what?


When you get lucky, you got lucky. When you get unlucky, the odds are BS.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

“prove these claims coz i opened 6 packs and it didn’t feel like 50%”
Come on @DMG_Broly, you’re better than that.

Sorry to hear about anyone getting bad luck in these festivals. RNG can be very frustrating at times and very rewarding at other times.


My bad I snapped for no reason. My sincere apologies @NMEduck .


Yeah. Idk why. But i spent 180 and ntg has come not even a single legend. This makes feel worse when i am hatching

People defending the devs be like:Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 8.15.39 AM