Best players in game

Hey I’m new was just wondering who are the best players in this game like top 5 and what teams they use

I don’t think there’s a clear top 5. I guess a good place to start would be lochi and ic3born, they’re around here often. You could ask what their teams are.

If you can find Lusolas then he probably has an insane team, but I don’t think he’s on the forums.

If it was a level playing field, I think iceborn is the clear best player from all his advice and strategy in the team building thread.

Otherwise the best players in the events etc. are just the ones that have spent the most to progress and get legendary teams.

I’m at floor 13 atm sitting at rank 121 and this the the team I’m using. Bit of a gamble at the start to get rexo to land sudden death but usually ends up ok. Finding bloodcraver, bloodthirst, bloodfury and timestrike the better moves to use as the mons are starting to get buffed and my twinkillers take multiple hits to get a kill.

Well if it helps here’s my team. I’m at floor 21, rank 24. 

Wow cool teams
I was thinking of writing a fiction story and using the top 5 teams as the teams for the grand four and champion and some tough teams as the rivals and such it might be hard to choose a grand champion yet before pvp
But il ask iceborn and lochi what there teams are
They can be members of my grand four for the story

You should make an rp as well

I’m at level 16 … Ranked 83 currently or tied with some players … Only used 2 gems I’ve seen some good teams in my opinion I think the game is epic and is good to have spenders in the game.

Who’s going to be the champion though
My team sucks but I’ll write it down
Pyrowyrm tedfiend voltiger beetler hellataur bouldon halohare freezard skullwraith stegospike arkwing moltasmus leobolt angelon viridinychus

Cool il be adding people from the forum and making them characters in my neo world
Il probs just make up some ultimate team or something for the champion or leave it as unknown till a later date like a mystery person
That’s revealed later on

Good idea
I’ll just be the one who sucks and loses every match i don’t mind I’ve restarted
Imagine having every ultra legendary in one team that would be epic
Lochi ice Buckingham and someone else definitely have to be grand four before the champion they are op

I would suggest BlackfireZ he’s a strong player as the 4 member he’s sitting this tournament out but he’s up there in skill

Ouch I forgot about blackfirez
The teams most people in this forum have are quite good really

What about me? :frowning:

I haven’t seen your team

Here’s the team I’ve been using one has gotten past willowwyrm yet
The team is not complete yet a few more monster exchanges will happen when I get the ingredients

The otheredward is very good player there’s quite a few good players

Surprised you haven’t been more challenged. My team attached below and i’ve got to the Don at the end a fair few teams in lvl. 18-21

I’m suprised too I thought I would have a few tough battles
I did have a one tough battle recently got me down to flarevern since then

No last biter?