New Player - Help with TEAM.


I am kinda new, and my team is not that big and strong yet. But uhmmm…Here’s what I have -

  • Wolfrozen
  • Galvboss
  • Staghulk
  • Humpflare
  • Inuhound
  • Electricheetah
  • Volcagarmr
  • Esapidon
  • Ventowyrm
  • Viridizaurus
  • Golgiza B
  • Bunoid
  • Arkwing

And outside main team - Dreadwolf, Cherubion, Hydrablazer, Hiprock, Kelper, Mechadino, Daharg, Frigatefish, Moltasmo, Plasmorex, Cobrak, Gryphie, Velopup, Sandie, Cryptwing, Frightowl, Frostkit, Sparko, Halotoise, Bloodclaw, Megarex, Bombspider, Halopup, Nilo, Nubis, Ninjagust, Plasmoid, Miniboa, Cliocupid, Voltiger

Any suggestions which monsters are worth evolving and putting into my main team? Maybe | should switch some of them to other monsters to create better team?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Go and get yourself a Galvbane

I’m trying to evolve him, any other suggestions?

U can use last stand and stun bursts at the last

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Oh, I see, can you help me with good team setup?

Some suggestions:
Play pvp matches and list your hardest opponents. Then see how they make their team and think how you can beat them.
You should also try the biweekly missions as the battles are really hard and u can learn a lot of lessons (no matter if u loss).
Also see the videos on YouTube of good players. Focus mainly pvp matches.

I think u can successful.
Good luck…

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I hope I’ll win at least once in PVP ^^"

Hi! @MomMercy76 I know a little bit and I’m happy to help. Can you send post screenshots of your team and then your monsters in list view please? :blush: