Awakened mystics should survive 1 attack

@Dev_VKC Imo I think awakened mythics should at least survive 1 attack unless if it’s bloodfury or thirst or mystic on mythic. I also think super epics should not be one shotting fully awakened mythics

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or you could acquire teambuilding skills and crush the players who don’t have a bunch of awakened mythics that are already quite difficult to kill as they are


As a mythic user, I say no. They’re fine as they are. If anything, some are too strong


0% reasoning, 100% bias



Never in my life i thought I’d see a thread like that…
Man i used mythics like kirina/sui that are tooooo easy to kill. And ironically they mostly don’t die when set up well…you literally use tanks on your team with 16k stat…
They don’t need buff,your teambuilding skill needs.
So damn hilarious…

Also if you hate getting them killed, then pair them with jaguardian or hellfox😂
Your mythics won’t die… but jag and hellfox will

:joy::joy::joy: the comments here are funny I swear. Maybe I should stop trolling

Bro I’m not even really playing ranked like that. I played like 10 matches

Hater as always lol

really? if in themselves they are difficult to kill
How can they not be killed in one blow?
if that happens I ask the F2P to buff​:neutral_face::joy:

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I’m not talking about ranks bro.
Even i don’t play ranks much.
Haven’t even logged in for the last few days…
But you gotta embrace the meta and counter it instead of hating on it.

and my two cents on team building.
You can try basing your whole team on one strategy or some particular monster. Make a team where u want a certain monster to be mvp. Then just try changing the team a bit after every few loss. (Even gnashjaw and shell can be mvp. I tried a half assed sp team with them tht worked nice)
Counter everything that comes in yo way and you won’t have to complain about your waifus being killed.

I’ve seen your teams and it looks like you assigned each awakened mythic a number and built your team with a random number generator. It makes perfect sense why you’d want mythics to be buffed even more.

this ^^^


@Dane looks to me that you are playing the “I am trolling” card to save yourself from disagreements.

As a former mythic user with a lot of experience I can tell you that they are perfectly fine.

Mythics easy to kill are usually super strong and can easily buy time for S+ legendaries to take amazing advanges.
The problem of you is the sync, so your mythics remain isolated becoming easy targets.
I won many games due to my mythics buying time for my legendaries to get charged.
So better sync between your monsters can solve many problems.


You seen my team. Where? We rarely face each other and I disguise my name for the most part

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I’ve seen screenshots from other people who faced you and I remember the time I faced you during ranked. I also recognize all of the igns you use. Sorry to be so harsh, but your team is pretty much the embodiment of mythic spam without strategy. If you worked on your teambuilding and decision making skills you wouldn’t have much trouble with consistently getting into the top 10 or higher


I don’t care about top ten

What I meant to say is that you’d actually win a ton of games if you didn’t cram all your mythics into a team in a semi random order. Mythics are already insanely strong for the most part, but the majority can’t auto win games just because you own a bunch of them


You can say the same thing about spamming legendarys. What’s the point if it’s mystics


Well, spamming legendaries doesn’t get you anywhere either. In fact, it’s actually much worse than mythic spam. All of the good players who primarily use legendaries have strategy in their teams. You could do the same and then you’d win most of the time with your collection.