I lived in the UK where the OM starts at a very convenient time, yet I missed some OM arks that I really wanted (Destructor, wolfgear, shadow stalker). In fact, the only OM arks I managed to get was Minoblast and Haniwell (both are just okay -if slightly crappy- arks). I also have terrible luck as I never win anything from eggs. I played all the OMs and of course it’s frustrating to complete the mission to discover that all prizes have been claimed. Boy, do I know the feeling! But I fully understand and accept that OM is optional, and that the devs are already doing their best to develop a great game and can’t cater to everyone’s wishes. So I move on.

I just moved to Indonesia 3weeks ago where the OM starts at 5am. I keep my UK job and I sometimes have to work in the weekend to meet deadlines due to time difference. But I really wanted Triphoon and Scorpionix, so I set my alarm and went through the dungeon without preparing my team first. I got both Triphoon and Scorpionix. I am pleased that I got them out of my own effort, not because the devs make it easy for most players, and not because of luck either. I train my team, I do my best to start OMs as early as possible, and I’ve got my prize. There are weeks when work just wouldn’t compromise, and I just have to miss the arks. That’s life. It’s just a game. People should just chill :slight_smile:

Best post on this subject yet!! Kudos to you for actually making an effort to get what you wanted!! :slight_smile:

Much more admirable than accepting defeat and coming up with every excuse imaginable!!

Let’s not forget that it’s much more admirable than timing eggs. While timing is completely legitimate (although frowned upon), and requires a lot of effort and skill…it is still the easier road to take.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been timing since the first hour of the game’s release back in November. I’m not about to deny that. I’m simply stating what the majority, myself included, believes to be true. Props to you, Valkyrie.

btw, for those of you who may point fingers at me for timing…shush. I can blast through every OM with incredible ease. I’ve been playing a ton for the past several months. I’ve even restarted the game a few teams, so know that I have very large amounts of dungeon experience. As far as monsters go, I hope that I’ve made it clear that strategy is more important than monsters. I’m sure I can win without my exclusives…so why do I time? So that there’s another slot open for someone else in the pool. So yeah, shush.

Thanks whaywar! I’d never responded to this kind of subject before but seriously, if people are still not happy after playing hours and hours of the normal content, they should just drop the game and leave it there. You’re not special, everyone’s frustrated at times, get over it.

Tiberius, you had me at your avatar x) I read a lot of posts about the timing controversy and tbh I’m not that bothered by it. I used to time in DIB, and although I’m plain rubbish at it in HI, I’m just neutral about it. Sure I get beaten half the time I play in PvP (vegitiger is still sooooooo far) but my grudge is reserved only for the hackers :smiley: it’s actually nice to hear that the OMs are just walk in the park for you but you can still find ways to make the game interesting- now that’s devotion :slight_smile:

I think that every timer that can time with precision should do this.

I am going to thank you and any other timers that time to get the OM. Simply for giving non timers a better chance.

I would just like to say that I’m sorry for making this post :frowning: I was mad and just needed to vent. It’s not worth getting all bent out of shape and I’m sorry for snapping at some of you. It’s no ones fault but my own…maybe I’ll have better luck next week.

Ahahaha. Please don’t apologize. Like I said, we get it. We’re all frustrated with some things regarding the game, but it is what it is. This game’s still new, so there are some flaws. You’re completely right in saying that a WEEKLY mission shouldn’t be three hours long. Alas, that is the current system, and we can’t do anything but wait until something better is introduced.

And the fact that you are mad shows that you care about playing the game. To me, that shows that you like playing, and that’s good enough for me.

Don’t worry about it. Well, good luck with next week’s OM!

Since the start of Season 2 I’ve been getting the OM’s from eggs too. No point in using up a slot when I can easily get it from eggs.

I think I will start getting it from eggs too! Seems like the right thing to do!

And churchill I hope you get the next one and I hope it is an awesome ark!! :slight_smile:

I personally only go into the OMs to get the baby forms

…friends, I appreciate the noble intent. But remember that the timing WILL be fixed in the next update. So don’t get too reliant. Make sure that you practice dungeon diving. Otherwise, you’ll be screwed :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, I’m sure that this won’t really ruin the balance of the game. If anything, a handful of people may get luckier, and a few extra copies of the Om will be made. Big whoop, half of em will be inactive within a few months. :stuck_out_tongue:

Deadpool - dude, those cutiepies are where it’s at.

I don’t have the OM. I feel your pain. Don’t get upset, take a deep breath, it is OK. There’s always the next OM waiting for you. :slight_smile:

I can usually finish within 20 minutes so shouldn’t be too much of a problem there. I managed to get every OM since Shadowstalker last season (when I started doing them) by battling through the dungeons, in Pool B.

long time no see.

But yeah, FS always has good advice n.n

Ah, good to know. :slight_smile:

On the topic of finishing the OM in under 30 minutes…

Multiples should really be banned from Online Missions.

I finished the OM in just under 13 minutes; I got a prize of course. I have 4 frillzeons, ranks: SSAB, that made the OM earth monsters a breeze to kill

While this is awesome for me, being in Pool B, i think multiple frillzeons really makes Finishing in the 1% a virtual guarantee, regardless of OM monster element.

I’m not an egg timer (just a lucky spinner), but I’m sure that the experienced egg timers all have several frillzeons as well. This makes getting an OM monster that much harder for other players, especially those in Pool A.

I know there is a thread about this already, but I wanted to make this point again because I know how much it sucks to finish in under a half hour yet miss the prize. That’s just unfair to non-timers.

Much love,


You forgot the “humbug”, LegendaryV.

Haha, just kiddin’.

But I agree, duplicates should be restricted on OM. It makes for a challenge. Plus PvP is already restricted so… yep.

Yeah I’m the same I only do the mission to get recipe.

I personally disagree that multiples shouldn’t be used. Yes I understand that if I was to run the dungeon I would get it seeing as I have 18 frillzeons at the front that are all S and that does make it easy. However I think it’s mainly frillzeon that is the deciding factor especially as so far he is only obtainable through eggs. I think it’s unfair on people without egg exclusives to not let them use multiples if they grinded for multiple omegas to give them a better chance in the OM Brcause they definitely put the time and effort in

They can use it for the Infinite Dungeon?

I think multiplayer should be limited. Single player… do whatever you want haha. And hopefully there will be more single player things.

As a more average player who doesn’t have a single frillzeon and can’t time eggs, it takes me a long time to finish OMs, with breaks and multiple attempts at every checkpoint, and no duplicates would really hurt me