Ankara not worth it right now

As the title says, Ankara isn’t good right now. The attacking moves are too high and too clunky to set up. For an awakened mythic, it’s very underwhelming. Not even sure how it could be fixed. Maybe drop the TU of its moves? Go with transient slash instead of power slash? Don’t know, but it’s weak right now.

It would be cool if this resulted in Ankara getting buffed, but the primary purpose is to warn anyone looking to drop tickets on her. Don’t do it, you’ll regret it.


Yep. I wrote something similar before. Needs a TU reduction for sure on its attack and power slash reworked.

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I agree, it’s really easy to counter and it’s not bad by chance the developers know perfectly well that F2P can save a stupidly long time just for waking up a myth and exactly they do not want us to get a strong one and also free

I don’t know, if I had 80 tickets I’d Ankara the ■■■■ out of them.

I’m saving for Ankara. I’m on 37 tickets for now. Stealth at 70TU always feels a bit slow, so I get why it doesn’t feel strong

Trust us, if there’s other stuff in the shop, it’s not all that worth it.

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Yes please listen to us. I wish I would have seen lemon’s thread way earlier.

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Ankara is terrible and stealth is stupidly useless

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There are better stealth mons


Stealth needs a major buff ,its stupidly hard to use and stupidly easy to counter, specially on those sneack atack monsters

1st–Sneack atack should be 100sec and should be able to bipass shields “not breck then” (its too hard to use and way too easy to counter) so the paioff needs to be good

2n–stealth tu should be 50-60sec

3rd–stealth all tu should be 100sec (why purifying mist is 130sec and stealth all has the same 130sec and offers less


Don’t listen to whatever KD is about to say


Ignoring shields is a cool idea. Another idea is to make them ignore stealth. Either might be a bit confusing though.

I definitely agree stealth moves TU would be nice being a bit faster. 50-60TU on legendaries/mythics and 70TU on super epics. Stealth all becoming 100TU makes a lot of sense

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I take it back. :joy:

No trust in me at all haha! You must not remember how much I’ve been a fan of the stealth strategy

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I apologise :joy::ok_hand:t2: I think the stealth attacking moves just need a TU reduction. This would help Ankara’s problem.

I’ve never quite decided how best to lower the TU overall. Too high TU on the stealth moves and they become completely unviable (i.e. 100TU+) but too low and they might be too oppressive (e.g. 50TU link stealth all on Zhulong’s release). The stealth moves really need to be done right and then if you lower them I don’t know if you need to lower the sneak attack moves that much. Bypassing protectors was a lovely upgrade given already.

Zhulong is in desparate need of a buff!

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Stealth is the worst strategy that’s why no respectable players run it


Would something like a self-replenishing stealth fix anything? Say you use stealth once, maybe the monster re-stealths every 50-60 TU automatically without having to use the move again?

I do think dropping sneak attack to 70tu and double to 100tu would make sense, and would reflect the conditions that killer and double killer moves operate with.

Throwing things at the wall here.


Give it the power mask passive arachnodrake has instead of its entrance. The make “purifying stealth self” shield stealth.

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