"An idea from 3iNSt3iN"

  • "Hello, I wanted to tell you that she was talking to a friend called 3iNSt3iN, and she gave me an idea that I would like to share and apply it in the game: *
    He believes that many times the gacha does not help us and gives us monsters that we never use, and in turn the “delete” section is unusable and meaningless
    He thinks that a monster should be able to be eliminated (whether mythical, legendary, etc) and that they give us a certain number of tickets as a reward: 6 stars, 7 stars, 5 stars and so on, and then get other monsters
    For example: we eliminate a mythical monster in the second form, like Lime, as a reward the game will give us 2 7-star tickets, which in the future we can use to acquire other mythical ones… In this way without being abusive we could have more chances to get the monsters we want… What do you guys think of this idea? I wanted to post it because I would also like them to do that and something similar with the legendary potions, to be able to remove them and pass them to other monsters

We already have this… when your monster is +9 then you get a ticket/potion to use on another monster.

no, it said to be able to eliminate the bonus +9 and obtain 3 potions for example

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And after a short time every player runs a lot of awoken mhitics …it doesent bring enough money…

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I afraid to see what will be the next step to make neo better or bring it to a new level …i wonder what cames after the mithics or will neo ever be like it actually is …

New events or new offline story would be so great

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In any case, you will have to take it out first, and on top of the mystical pile, there are already a lot of mythical and increasing

Contrary to what people say I think its a splendid idea. I also think that the exchange rate should be higher depending on the worth of the monster as well. Like a legendary such as rexotyrant should be exchanged for 6 6 star tickets. You don’t need to be modest as you’re exchanging a legendary that even though you don’t want, it still has worth.

It would be meaningless Imo to not make it this way, else you might as well keep the monster and not evolve it.

Upgrade the shop and add more legendaries that people can buy. Mythic awakening would be easier, people would be spending more money to open eggs because they know they can get 6 star tickets at a 1:1 ratio. We will be having a lot of buff and nerf threads and updates but that wouldn’t matter.

The game is stale mate and isn’t growing in any way. Just the same events, same rewards, same naked waifus.

The devs must be finding it challenging to come up with more move sets and combos at this point.

Consider this comment as a way of adding new water to this eutrophicated pond called Neo Monsters.


If it would be great, it’s really something I’d like to see

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People who dont want mythic waifus will be given the opportunity to trade them in for a mythic ticket. Add the mythic monsters in rare gold egg to the shop (if they’re not there already).

@Killerdog You don’t see the possibility here, its more than just 1 single ticket from bonus +9. Users would be able to have more freedom and different monster to come up with comboes. They can also be able to exchange continuously and farm PVE more for resources. Devs will be able to sell more ultra evolution packages and gems. This is the best idea I’ve seen on the forum so far. It beats clans by a longshot.


Normally, you’d need FIVE copies of a Mythic to get a 7-Star Ticket. From this to getting TWO from a single Mythic is insane!! This is like asking ZigZaGame to file for bankruptcy!

This sounds reasonable enough to me. If there are some legendaries that are NOT yet in the standard pool (meaning you won’t get 6-Star Tickets from them reliably) and you really don’t see a use for them, getting rid of them for potions would be nice. Maybe obtain some De-Aging Fruits and evolution materials as well!

Personally, I wouldn’t do that because I love all my monsters :relieved: but I think that’s a good idea for people who want to min-max for PvP. Much more reasonable than getting Tickets from deleted monsters.
The majority of the Shop Legendaries are the same monsters you’d delete if you found them in an egg… and the other half are monsters everybody gets already (like Dusicyon, Poseidon, Atrahasis)

This is the main reason I’m starting to find the game less appealing over time. Despite its simplicity, the combat system has a surprising amount of depth (would have even more if Stun was less prevalent btw) and the meta is ever changing and shifting, but god is PvE a wasteland!

I wish they found a way to infuse some new life into the events. Add some more “variables” so to speak, some side goals and mechanics, to increase the replayability… All events are so very streamlined and linear!


This means you can always have a team that’s all +9, rendering leg pots useless as well

I have thought of this a lot in the past and there isn’t really any viable option. Other games I play you can have 2 copies of the same monster which makes the “sacrifice” system work.

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To get a new monster to +9 you need Legendary potions tho

withdraw series positions at a lower quantity, for example, I have a legendary at +9, I withdraw his potions and I get 3, that is, it is not simply passing 9 potions from one side to another

Honestly it could be as frugke as one would want it to be. Doesn’t even have to be one for one and could have a benefit.

Example: instead of exchanging a Mythic for a Mythic ticket, they could easily make it “Exchange 3 Mythics for 1 Mythic ticket.” This would prevent “abuse” yet still have it’s place in assisting people get Mythic tickets, albeit at a much slower pace, but could give them what they want. If, for example, one wanted to awaken a specific Mythic and had 9 mythics they don’t want or will never use, then hey could exchange them. 3 Mythics in my opinion is more than a fair exchange for 1 Mythic ticket.

Legendaries could be the same way. 3 Legendaries for 1 ticket so the system can’t just be abused but that epiple could actually do something with useless legends.


Honestly I’d be happy with just being able to exchange legends for potions or even evolution ingredients :joy: or Rare Gems even

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I had a couple of notifications dragging me back here so I’ll add my two cents again…

Most of what’s being suggested here fundamentally messes with the core payment system of the game and would result in a lot less fun for players because they’d trade things in to all play the best stuff. Hence, PvP would be extremely repetitive. Also, as someone with a huge collection I can tell you that a lot of fun comes from experimenting with random monsters I would never think to hatch but managed to pick up along the way.

Be patient, respect the system the Devs designed and have fun with what you obtain.

Also, the comments we see on the forum from very experienced players about PvE being boring I think comes from the fact these individuals have done PvE many times over the years. For all newer players this content is fun and stretching. People can slowly transition into being PvP players in the long run.


But what about a PvE retirement home for seasoned PvP players who can’t keep up with the youngsters anymore (not talking about me btw, I’m a zoomer)

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with the current game conditions, people only wake up the strongest and pvp is highly repetitive (who at this point didn’t wake up or get carmilla) this doesn’t seem to be a problem for pvp players, bring out new mythos and the limitation list they would also make people use other things

That you like it, does not mean that it is mandatory, if someone prefers not to use useless things in their team or account, it would have to be their decision, to the rest most of those that you mean, if they had a potential that was not even being used, not like others that are really useless

this has nothing to do with what is being raised, but if it’s boring after winning each event once, it doesn’t seem like too much time played if you ask me

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I would love the ability to sell some of my female humanoid mythics to gain tickets so I could spend them for awakening monster-looking monsters.


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