Advice for newbie please

I started playing this a little over a week ago and have adecent grasp on the strategy but im stuck trying to figure out which legendary to evolve. I got my 1st omegamid today and 3 legendary monsters from the 10x draw thing in addition to 1 i got when i started. My choices are: venodrake, drakotron, cryowyrm, or bovolk. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

IMO if your runnin for poison team you should pick Veno or if assisted water have Cryo, assited water meaning your team is full of water types, it deals massive damage if you attack with assited wave for cryowyrm

Unfortunately I only have 1 other assisted water monster megazeratops. Is it worth making assisted water with only these 2? I also have the protector snake esapidion I think his name is. I’ve also been using carnofrost or ribigear as a 4th start. I like the unwanted move as well as double knock back and ribigear extra turn. But it seems like the enemy teams do so much damage and have so much resistance my guy get eaten alive before they can do much killing. Is going from 5 to 6 stars going to make a lot of difference?

I think for the beginning you should go with a poison a team, i dont know if you have any other poison monsters but you should have helataur, who has poison eater, if you dont have a poison massacre monster, you can catch one, its a snake, but i dont know the exact name, just search for poison massacre in the neo monsters wiki, there should be a list with monsters who have that move. I think the snakes name startet with N. So you could double poison sting with the snake, double poison eat with Veno (bane when ultra evolved) then double sting, double eat and so on.

You can also get one in the six trials.
Its this earth octopus thingy.

Oh yeah, i forgot, thats even better, take octopus thing then :smiley:

You don’t need more assisted monsters in frontline than Mega and Cryo. Put a seahowl there, then gearcrock in 4th, or seasteed to stun into snowja or w.e

Pulled 3 eggs today and got 2 legendary estimate, valorpup and darkslither. Valorpup seems like he’d be pretty good with a couple of turn givers and a healer.

Friken lucksack.

Good job. :slight_smile:

Valsareign and shadowyrm are good legends. Shadowyrm needs protection but will be a really big pill in pvp.

Valsareign needs support. We don’t know how he will do in pvp.

2 legends in 2 eggs is 1 in 324 people. During a festival.

Lol thanks. It was actually 3 eggs but I’m not complaining :slight_smile: got 3 out of 10 yesterday but I don’t have materials to evolve them.Got an omegamid from the event yesterday put I had to do it in the cheesiest way. Used the rhino and puffer fish to death roulette till I got a long steak on the enemy teams. Took like 7 tries lol