A request for help on my team

I have a 15:13 win/loss ratio and no access to the more powerful OM monsters, only having there fusion fodder, so I need help on making a good online team

In order here they are:















and my Soltusk

Any suggestions? I tend to work best as a dark abuser but then again im not very good so any assistance is helpful and welcome

using shadow arks like that in a row would be a holy massacre. a single holy monster could take out two of your first three arks, then take out barry in a few more hits. flamogun is not incredibly useful, so i would take that out. halopard would be best after your best arks, seeing as it can heal/reinforce/haste.

tib has a pretty good strategy wihtout egg exclusives



Metallodius (i would use a raioh)

Magmawyrm (if you want to scramble you could put a mechadino here)

Pyroviper (i would put angelon, i find pyroviper dies quite easily)




Plasmorex (plasmorex’s moves all take a lot of tu, so it would normally only get in one move before its killed, i reccomend shadowlance)






Don Penguini

although raioh angelon don penguini i find is not always incredibly useful, most people would never leave a don last, so id reccomend putting omega last and a few other arks before it.

How do i get other dragons without eggs ?
And where do i get arkwing?

Ark wing is evolved from arky whom you get after getting 101 unique monsters.(unique meaning that they can’t be from same evolutional family, example:breeze ling and breeze wing only count as one because breezeling evolves into breezewing) Levi is found in a spot, who evolves into leviathan, who can be fused into angelon. Seabite(I think) is also a rare ark that spawn and evolves twice

So i would get Omegawyrm and ark wing like has already been stated.  And then get some of the other fusion monsters like angel on and luxknight.  then get gremknight as well.  then i would make a team like this.















don penguini

I kinda kept more shadow monsters in there than i would have iced because you said you liked them, but shadow arks are very easily to kill because most players use holy arks.  The start of this lineup consists of two heavy hitters, ark wing and plasmorex, and then gremknight.  Gremknight is one of the most useful arks in the game.  it can knock back other players arks, can use time strike, and has stun skin.  So if he is out first one ark at random on the other team will be stunned.  The next ark in is raioh who has stun gift.  Keep your TU down with ark wing so after raioh stun gifts you can use supernova to stun the entire team.  Raioh will have sacrificed itself so you can then bring in barricadus who with a stunned team will be able to guardian before they can get any hits in.  Then you get luxknight after your plasma or ark wing get taken out.  he is another heavy hitter.  and after that you have nilox and shadow lance that you would also use as heavy hitters.  Then you get nilomoth who can risky heal whatever strong ark you have left.  then comes the wyrms who you can hit hard with vengeance.  Then you get angelon and halopard who are there to haste/heal/bolster whatever wyrms survive.   Last but not least is don penguini.  Even if you don’t get to use his showdown, his volatile will hurt the enemy arks when he dies.  

Obviously this strategy is not going to work every time so you will have to adjust accordingly.  And I’m sure as you progress in the game you will earn stronger monsters that you will be able to build a stronger strategy more easily!  I hope this helps a little bit! :slight_smile:

Hmm I would put Raioh instead of Gremknight (monsters who kill raioh will have 100 TU) and Gremknight enter combat, you’ll have time to haste Arkwing and plasmo (good for plasmo) and maybe even kill 1 monster with tempofrappe or knockback a monster defense. For my pvp, I start with chopperbug for scramble, and if he’s killed before attack he deals 120TU to one monster who can easily get OKHO by Gremknight. For me, the Don isn’t really good at pvp because people know they have to kill it first, so I would put at the end of your team : typhon-angelon-magmawyrm-halopard-omega.

Any other good nonOM monsters i should be careful of?

Not in my mind :wink:

I’m not sure if I get it right…

Minespider, Stegospike, vegetiger, Pegasion, and gremkight. If you see any of them coming up, then be prepared. They show up it means the opponent will pull out something powerful(or cheap like stuns lol(

Gremknight doesnt bother me
I tend to clear it quickly enough and the people i fight dont tend to use knockback
Nor does pegasion bother me because it isnt powerful enough to OHKO my shadows
Stegospike ive only seen one but it left me scarred and minespiders i dont see why everyone likes them

Gremknight appear means your team formation can be ruined, and it can haste powerful arks like vegetiger making it a killer.

If a Pegasion appeared at the front line, it doesn’t want to OHKO you, it mostly has stego&char team waiting behind it, if you can’t get rid of the pony then mostly you’ll be constantly stunned for the next 10 minutes then watching yourself lose but you can’t do anything other than quit…

Stegospike is obvious. Gets you stunned forever.

Minespider, I’m not sure have you encountered its strategy yet… It can detonate, but not like a few hundreds as nitro bird or something. Given enough TU, it OHKO all of your three arks no matter how strong they are. It’s sure fearful!

I forgot about them!

Minespider, Stegospike, vegetiger you can get them though gold egg, put a stunner before minespider and it’s 3 opponent monsters who died in the same time!

minespider is probably my favorite ark for pvp right now.  lately people have thought it is a good idea o knock it back to the end,  but then i just get to detonate there wyrms (usual worms are last)

And in response to don penguin not being valuable, even if you don’t get showdown, volatile will be able to deal a good chunk of damage to all the arks your opponent has.  That can come in handy at the end of a match as well! :slight_smile:

and gremknight is one of the most valuable strategic arks in the game.  It can do many different things like haste, knock back, or even timestrike stunned arks!

Ok I saw the pegasion strategy yesterday but I easily broke it barring stegospike

Does guardian attract non-offensive attacks such as stegospike’s stun attack?

Because I wanna run a attack-change set-up but im not sure it would be effective…

Yes it does. Guardian or Scapegoat pretty much makes Stegospike useless if used properly.

Ok thank you

Well for u id think the trio typhon magma omega wyrmx3 n angelon luxknigt shadow lance with some back up arks

Firstly a team with all hatchlings is very effective ( More description ) having a magma omega typhon wyrm in your team will serve u great

Secondly get strong arkadions that will heal your offensive ones e.g Angeleon, n the fuseion with nilox n the mushroom guy

Thirdly supportive arkadionsnshould be placed near your strong arkadionsnto boost them most strongnarkadions are slow when they attack so it takes over 4 turns till its their turn p.s they can survive 4’turns like it was nothin if they r realynstrong and has a gold backround the colour of the back when u look at ur monster black, grayish blackish, gold n i dont know if there is any more

No. A full dragon lineup is easily beaten. This isn’t Pokemon.

Hehe seriosuly hmm well then have arkwing omega and the fusion of nilox their elementls