2 questions

what happens after you complete the battle arena? and what is the average lvl of the OM arks in all the OMs?

After you complete the battle arena it says something like your the best in the land there are none who can compete against you on a black screen so nothing left there and the lvls of OM arks well if you mean prizes then they are lvl 1 and arks you get from eggs are averaged by the lvl of your arks and the wild arks start at extremely low lvls and gradually get much stronger to the point where there almost lvl 80 i think

oh ok

Glad you understand :slight_smile:

so does the element of the OM ark have anything to do with the element of the enemy arks you will face in the OM dungeon?


sometimes yes, sometimes no

Ive noticed it makes the scenery of it and types usually like dark types = dark dungeon with a bunch or dark arks and kinda goes on like that

i wish it would give us a hint so we knew what arks to focus on

nope, makes it too easy

bring the Challenge!

Well i always bring a type that counters the om prize ark since there are usually alot of that kind of ark then something to counter that arks weakness like for example bluechick is a prize so i would bring stegotops and stego is weak to fire so i would bring water type aswell then just use a ark with a good element or op stats such as plasmorex angelon luxknight arkwing omega or the sort

oh i get it, ive been lvling a veriety of types to 99 to be sure

You can pretty much tell the element by the first waypoint & you can always go back & quickly swap your lineups then.

I know you’ll be losing some time but you’ll lose more time if you are using wrong arks too.