Leveling up

I really enjoy this game and have almost completed it and now I am at the point of levling my arks to 99. I have read that the best place to do this is with the biteschool hoards, which I have have been doing up to this point. Now my question is does the exp gained from each battle get distributed amonst the participants evenly? Going through the game and some tough battles I have on some occasions gotten 10k+ exp yet only a couple arks gain a level (usually those battles go through almost my entire lineup). So this leds me to believe it does. But next question, if I have 2 lvl 99 arks and one that isn’t capped, will all the exp go to that ark or will it be divided amongst the 3?

Also besides getting a lvl 99 team for the infinate dungeon and getting necrodrake, is there really a point to getting more than 30 lvl 99’s? Is Necrodrake really worth it? Thanks!

Evenly but it depends on ur arks lvl i mean a lvl 3 lvls up quicker than a 96

Ah ok, thats what I figured, but just to be sure it continues after 1 ark is 99, like the lvl 99 ark would receive the exp it just wouldn’t level up?  Also, do you have any insight on my other questions?

I really enjoy this game and have almost completed it and now I am at the point of levling my arks to 99. I have read that the best place to do this is with the biteschool hoards, which I have have been doing up to this point. Now my question is does the exp gained from each battle get distributed amonst the participants evenly? Going through the game and some tough battles I have on some occasions gotten 10k+ exp yet only a couple arks gain a level (usually those battles go through almost my entire lineup). So this leds me to believe it does. But next question, if I have 2 lvl 99 arks and one that isn’t capped, will all the exp go to that ark or will it be divided amongst the 3?

Also besides getting a lvl 99 team for the infinate dungeon and getting necrodrake, is there really a point to getting more than 30 lvl 99’s? Is Necrodrake really worth it? Thanks!

The level 99 arks keep getting their share of the experience even though it does nothing for them. Necrodrake is ok, but I wouldn’t grind to get 30 arks to 99 just for him. If you have no desire to play in the infinite dungeon then I wouldn’t worry about getting everything to 99. If your playing PvP only your time would be better spent farming for better arks or better grades then higher levels.

Tech, thanks for your input! I think I might as well grind to get 30 lvl 99’s because I do want to see how far I can get in infinate dungeon and I have recently found out that lvl 99 arks are especially useful in OM mission which happen weekly.

I was wondering if you or anyone for that matter can let me know what the best arks for leveling up the fastest in the bitefish spot? For example I have used my glazio plus a haster and the one I want leveled. The other ark I know of is raijin, which I am using currently. I remember seeing a topic with a list of 100 TU “chainers” and hasters, but I can’t find it now. Anyhow, I know that all starters have chain moves and the aforementioned raijin. Any others?

I often go to the bite school spot with my starter, someone with haste and an area attack like angelon who often will go first due to their speed and don penguin. I then have my starter go after haste has been cast so as to ensure that the bite schools never get an attack on me. I then have my son penguin retreat once it is safe and that way they don’t take any of the exp for themselves. That brings in my fourth in the lineup who is the ark I want to level. And I keep repeating this till I am happy with their level (80 - 90) if I plan to use them later in the infinite dungeon or online missions and if I don’t then all the way to 99 for storage and completion.

Bob, that is a pretty good technique for monsters that are really low levels, thanks!

Necrodrake is a good one for PvE but not for PvP so it’s your choice :stuck_out_tongue: When u have 30 lvl 99’s its gets much easier to get 99’s