Will we ever have skins for the waifus?

Will we ever have skins for the waifus?

For a long time I’ve been thinking about the issue of skins, and knowing the game, if an idea doesn’t make money it’s not a good idea, so I thought of a simple way widely used by gacha games to get money from the players, “the skins.” we would have a skin store where there would be skins that require real money which would be more elaborate skins
Let’s imagine for a moment that this is a skin that requires payment from Carmilla

(Image removed by moderator for oversexualisation, check out the twitter if you want to see it)

note: This image was made by @ururubotan follow her on twitter

The skins, like the HPBoost, would be something that would be applied to the mythical awakened ones. We would also have skins that are available for free, we would only have to get a new “thread” material by collecting 50 of these you would buy a free skin, free skins can be less elaborate things. Something like just changing the clothes but keeping the character as it is (this way you don’t spend budget on the free skins)
Let’s imagine for a moment that this is a free Lilithia skin

note: I edited the image myself

The free skins can be applied to the waifus in ultra since they are skins dedicated to F2Ps and thus there are no complaints from that side. And P2Ws could happily show off the paid skins of their favorite waifus in pvp or on their profile


I think dev said previously that covering them up is not a problem, its animating them over again since is probably not easy