Game idea

I saw on twitter that Evertale are censoring there banner on there english account, so since a lot of person dislike the waifus outfit, why don’t we have censored version of them in shop for 6star tickets, since some of the persons that dislike the waifus have alot of tickets and nothing to buy with them
Here are 2 examples


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This has been suggested before (or something very similar) and I’d love it to happen.

I recently decided that I’m never going to show Bridalith in any of my YouTube videos. I will always make sure she’s censored when she’s on the screen. I really do not want there to be other monsters in the game like that. Even the monsters above like Maeve went too far

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My entire supply of 6* tickets would be gone. I’d even pay to have the entire body up the the neck turned into a black shadow

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They’d need to keep bringing back the deal where you get 6* tickets as you buy gems :wink: Easy money!