Wierd PVP bug.

So i just had a really wierd pvp bug, wonder if it happened to anyone else.

My turn timer ran out accidently, and suddenly all my monsters start to auto battle. Now, its not a normal auto battle - this one had no sense: rexkong kept attack boosting him self, and sear kept bloodcrave (which wasnt charged, and he had alot of chrono killer options).

Also, a strange cross apeared on 1 of the enemy monsters while it was blinking (getting bigger and smaller).

Any one had this one? Heres a picture:

It happened to me when someone phone call me in middle of game the game freeze then i tap about 5 to 6 times nd it was like auto battle mode on valzareign keep poison drain gold tail ultrathunder damn i lost that match but it never happened again!

I heard it doesn’t happen on the modded apk

I had this exact same thing happen to me, even got it on video. The way it triggered is I targeted an enemy with a skill just as my Facebook messenger chat bubble popped up so I clicked that too. Clicking that automatically skipped my turn but it was at the same time I clicked the target. So all my team attacked this target. It died next attack but they kept seeming to target it and missed everything. My Chronozeros used Timestrike All about 4 times hitting nothing lol.

Is there a way to share a video on here?

EDIT: Got it uploaded, hopefully this mobile link works

Yea exatly like mine. Strange