Possible bugs/hacks in PVP

Hey guys, who encountered this player? The one at the top most. This person was my 1st pvp battle of this season and the game made many exceed time limit messages even if I hadn’t consumed my time yet and just started my turn which resulted in a lose coz those messages appeared at crucial times of my turn (skele not protecting my terror and bane thus both got killed, dracorosa not killing cyclo and freezecobra and was put at 500+ secs after that message appeared) and also my nightlord just aoed suddenly instead before I picked timestrike. I’m suspicious of the person so if its possible @Dev_BRD @Dev_VKC can you check my battle if possible and investigate the player? Would really appreciate it as I woulScreenshot_2018-12-03-17-03-02 d have won that battle.

i fought him but i forgot if i won or lost lol

Cook Demi is legit, I’ve played him/her a bunch of times.

Yes I’m sure he is legit.
If you wanna talk with him, come to Japanese community.

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Fought with him many times and no problem.

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@SoL_Navelstan speaks. Consider this to be an honor OP

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Then has to be a bug then, this needs to be investigated by the devs

Seems like it’s only you with that “bug”. I guess the devs help you if you share your restore code xD

Lol :v

@Killerdog wanna issue a warning here?

@eNjiin how’s your Line group teaching noobs going? :joy:

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