Which to Ultra-evolve

Hello, so I was wondering which one should I Ultra evolve first, legendary TT, or Emeraleon, or Venodrake… , Im not so sure…as each have good potential, and who knows when the next omegamid is coming. thx 

Also what score is good enough to get into any of the groups, my average is below 200th rank… 

I would say emeral.

You can join NME if you want, also evolve legend TT first his stun inmune helps alot
I have no idea what emeral gains from evolution, but bane gets fastrike which can be really good in some situations in pvp so i would say go for bane next

Emeral gets Camouflage, but jeah, evolving the TT is on top of the list.

Stunimmune TT’s are way overpowered ^^