Which moth is the best

So now after the nerf I think I will get myself a moth which is the best moth I already have 6 tickets so I will get myself one (idk why I just want one)

For me the best one is the hearth moth with double catapult,then:
Sneak atack
All 3 are good
Sleep one is bad
The last one its focus on suport i dont like it at all


I would advise against getting a moth honestly, but the best ones are imho the Earth and Fire ones.

Earth is very, very tanky and can still OHKO with Double Catapult. Fire one can potentially wipe out four monsters at once due to Roaring Toxic Entrance + Poison Massacre. It also has 130sec Double Poison Eater.

Storm one is pretty basic Stun and can get deadweight, Holy one is good for combos (it has Lv.5 Ally Substitute) but Stealth isn’t as efficient an archetype as the first two.

Water one is bad. it’s based on Sleep, pure RNG. Also it’s slow AF. Shadow one has no attack moves but can Cannibalize and most of all Give Turn on entrance, which is absolutely unique. Use it if you have beeg brain combos in mind.


Well I want to have one so I will get the moth

Earth one

Holy is also good… roaring+ double sneak atk… in first turn… having all immunes gives it the edge

Tbh earth would be quite useless to me other then the rockoids after it dies I do not have any other needs for it holy sounds good but I am not sure


And might I add, the shadow moth is definitely the best support for link dark. It’s so versatile! You can protect your team from stun, sleep and poison and on top of that 1 shot any monster with it if your link dark is broken or you need to let another monster in. It’s great when paired with Delugazar. And of course it does work outside of link dark too. Basically a fantastic support monster.

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Idk a 90% guaranteed instant kill on entrance seems pretty useful to basically every team

True but all Moths (except for Doomoth) have a multi target killing move on entrance. Mistmoth is cool because it can re-enter the field though so that’s surely a boon

I personally like the earth one :slight_smile:

My fav is fire ._.

A lot of love for the earth one now! I really think it’s worth pointing out… the fail case with earth is HORRIBLE. In 5* it can’t kill things or remove itself.

The best I think are the fire and holy, with fire coming out on top by a little bit. The 7* moths now come at +9 so that 130TU double poison eater and 100TU poison massacre are incredibly good for sweeping plus the double poison eater can still work in the 5* form. Mistmoth (holy) has a bit of versatility in its substitute skill as well as stealthing your whole team on entry. What holds it above Marksmoth (earth) is the 5* form can still one-shot enemies and function well as a monster.

So for me the order is:
Poisomoth (fire)
Mistmoth (holy)
Marksmoth (earth)
Stormoth (storm)
Doomoth (shadow)
Dreamoth (water)

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I think I will use it for PVP so earth is definitely the best

The moths are terrible idk why anyone would want to throw 6 legend tickets in the trash lul

Earth is by far the best. Roaring double piercing.

Toxic entrance ?

Toxic Entrance but also Roaring because of Ultimate Transformation (at least I think that’s what it’s called in English)

They’re way better now they’re mythics and have +9 bonus. They’re legitimately worth using in PvE and can probably make a showing in top level PvP in the right teams (e.g. Scyberithe, Leira, Aethereon but also other less combo focused teams).

Poisomoth, Mistmoth and Marksmoth are the standouts. Definitely ignore the others for PvP use

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