Which monsters need a Nerf?

Thoughts …


@LemonSqueezy this god damn godslayer needs a nerf immidietly

On other notes id say mizu should be somewhat nerf like make her passive effect 60-70 speed and above monsters not 50% if you gonna do that put it on a awakend mythic

Carmilla still needs some tweaks but that feels like a dead subject at this point

Vixenblade should also get peeked at

Blah blah blah generic answares

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none, the game is balanced, they only need to review the fact that fermeta is permanent

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Bruh seriously?
The game doesn’t need any nerf, can we stop asking for nerf? I’m very disappointed about Lemon complaining and creating this kinds of topics over and over remaining me @kabylian , just accept ur prime is over and stop thinking that changing the game is the way

even fermanta is balanced there are many counters :muscle:

:eyes::eyes:? which ones? I would like to know them so I could add them to my team

moth , ps just don’t run high speed fls , it is needed to punish high speed fl :+1:

Literally the only thing I can think of is pullback/sendback to the mons affected once they are hit.

Loki: “Stop complaining”

Also Loki: complains every day on here about topics ranging from claiming racism for not being allowed in a clan to Luna not being strong enough


Where on this thread? @Mr_Lokiiii

Stop running Joco Katt Bundam Orca, then you won’t have issues with your monsters getting slowed down by literally 5 people who actually have and play awakened Nyx.

P.S. Nerf fermata to 60% so I can run all of those 51% speed mythics with Nyx and make it even dumber and stronger.


Make baby conversion on Soral higher tu. Even 70 would be better than the 50 it currently is.


eh ? Who asked that? even if it was up to 40% that’s not the problem, the problem is that i can’t speed up my mobs anymore after that, you have to make the speedup possible after fermata, or reduce the speed of nyx like that would be easier to stop

no, Soral is fine

kill nyx , backbite your mons that are affected remember opponent teams are slow :muscle:
nyx is fine

It was possible and I could still run 87 speed Azida or Iris Maeve with Nyx because of that. That’s why they changed it.

:expressionless: I do not think this butterfly against really fermata and it does not interest me the least of the world to use slow ■■■■, after they will take a year to get a ride, thank you but no thank you

Good, then be aware that your high speed frontline will now be countered.


no matter in this configuration the fight was always balanced because if the two teams had the possibility of canceling this effect, whereas now that it is permanent you use slow things, the opponent uses fast things and what happens ? it happens that the enemy team will find themselves in a stun effect while you, having suffered no effect, can calmly take control

they will adjust it.