What’s the best way to play awakened focalforce

Tbh I think he gets killed way too easy. Too many strong chrono killers running around. I think he needs a speed buff

For once @Dane and I are in complete agreement! Focalforce is so bad and easy to kill only a complete idiot would think of running it in a team. I propose that raw faststrike gets reduced to 130tu and its speed gets increased to at least 30% or 40%. It’s absolutely absurd that there are mythics out there that require teambuilding and not just mindlessly cramming a bunch of OP mythics around it

Edit: @Dane @Laxus as a top focalforce user, I can say that with a pretty high degree of certainty that it is amazing but you just aren’t using it properly


I feel like there’s no where to put him at

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Focalforce can tank a Chrono Killer from every legendary (Padrinorca included, which btw fails to OHKO even the 6★ version).
Meanwhile 7★ XYZ, Shiny Cyclozar and Dolphoenix with Dolphin Bond activated are able to OHKO it.

Focalforce can be used after Dusicyon or along allies like Valzareign, Timberlord or even Momo to give a shield to it and make it more awkward for the opponent to kill.

Not to mention Focalforce’s firepower is great, RAW Faststrike and Catapult means it will get almost one kill per turn, and Give Turn is a final backup plan.

I think his low speed is more than justified.

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So would it be good in frontline?

it seems like the problem isn’t focalforce but other mythics being basicly braindead to run… :thinking:

Focal is one of the better mythics around and a real pain to deal with.

agree.I sold dusiyion.so…
speed is a big problem.

Nah. He has Triple Entrance and he’s much more useful when used immediately after Dusicyon (at least that’s how I use my Espereye).

There are only three ways to remove the shield without triggering Auto Overwatch:

  1. Poison passives. There are only three active poison moves that don’t trigger Overwatch, one of which is Poison Gas/Poisonous Wind and the other two both belong to one 7★ monster.

  2. piercing moves (which also need to kill in one blow)

  3. Infernicorn’s Stunning Charge or Amalgamon’s Stunstrike, which ALSO require Focalforce to lack Stun Protection. Plus Amalgamon is nonexistent in PvP.

If you run Dusicyon+Focalforce in early-midgame, you minimize the risk of running into Poison, which makes this combo as less risky as possible.

Even with his cooperation, he still has many weaknesses. Without his cooperation… At least my use is like this。serious

Yes, it has low speed and his moves all have high seconds. But the combo with Dusicyon and the way it absolutely DESTROYS G.F. Violet make him strong yet balanced.

So that’s the problem. He offers few choices

I said, I sold Dusi. That’s the problem

Then run it with some other stun protection and tricranium

Which are those many strong chronokillers that one shut (I mean, you say he gets killed way too easy) Focalforce…? I know I have been off for a while but like a month ago there where like none. Have devs added new extremely strong chronokillers in the last month?

Just raizen and dolphreeze with 2 chrono targets or dolphin bond. They’re just not good at using focalforce

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I’m confused…

  1. It survives chrono killers. It is tanky… has no problem with surviving.

  2. It’s one of the easiest monsters to put into a team because it requires no real support. Only problem is the low speed so it’ll work better when you’re not in a losing position.

  3. How could anyone say “it offers few choices”… its strength is literally the diversity it offers because you can kill something (raw or piercing), give turn to a teammate or taunt to protect your monsters / draw in attacks for getting extra turns. That’s what I mean about it being easy to put in a team. It’s literally something that adds flexibility to the section of the team you add it to.

In the next episode of danes’ crazy balance ideas - mythic cost too high? Should they cost only 12 in final form? Stay tuned for more…


Seriously. Is it nearly as op as Dusci/Flocco pre-nerf? No. But it is almost as easy to just put in your team without mvuh thought. And with the right support, it can be very powerful

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Idk man delugazer seems too kill him easily, orca, chromera. Not to mention if he in stealth mode he’s getting one shot by shiny fox. I witness that myself. Oh and I don’t own dusiyon

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