What Nerfs do you think should be undone now so much time has passed.

Just saying, I would completely rearrange my current DR PvP team if all of a sudden DR could get through shields

All DR piercing would mean it doesn’t have many counters at all.

Triggering our own DR will make moves like Ritual VI and Backstab insane again. It does not allow 1-1 trades because you can often get extra advantages from these monsters. E.g. the most notorious was Apollo/Talo in the FL where they could shield an ally then accelerate the team before being high speed cannibalised to DR trigger and bring in a 5th spot monster (with a useful entrance passive). That was just too much and DR monsters being used as fodder simply wasn’t their original design intention (I think I remember the Devs saying it was a notable side use that they weren’t going to bother stopping unless it became a problem).

The way I see it, we simply don’t need DR monsters to have this use or buff. If a DR monster is so bad that its only use it to be backstabbed then the monster itself probably needs buffing. If a DR monster is already good then does it need powerful combo potential added?

Triggering our own DR was fine until it was not. People freak out over the tiniest powerful new thing to be added like Azuraidos’ link death stroke or Sepheris’ hurricane yet something like this which proved too powerful in the past people are cool about it making a return. It perplexes me.

You heard it from @Killerdog himself, time to buff Death Revenge monsters @Dev_VKC

Btw Arachnadiva breathes new life into DR with the Scapegoat move. Sure, the TU is a bit high before it is awakened but that is a better way to force DR I think.


I wasn’t fortunate enough to roll arachnadiva @Killerdog but I agree the middle stage is very usable

Lol, a few could definitely do with a buff. I’m all for that.

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I would be happy with stun immune apollo, talo, and gaiawolf tbh


People tend to forget and time twists memories. Maybe people would be cool with Abyss Nereida all over again too? :person_shrugging:

Apollo and Talo are quite 1 dimensional and boring as legends so their movesets could definitely use some tweaking.

Also off topic but Sepheris’s Hurricane isn’t ‘tiny’ by any means. I, as well as many others, try to make use of combos and brainless unstoppable moves like that strongly discourage to do so.

Just a couple more points against DR triggering then I’ll be quiet…

Backstabbing Nebel/Cosmo would shield your whole team AND DR trigger, a bit crazy.

We could make the PvE team again with Auro + DR and backstab. I did this myself back in the day and it was stupidly strong. It undermines a lot of clever strategies when you can just kill things randomly like that without even targeting stuff or knowing what the enemies do.

I’d trade being able to trigger your own DR for not being able to trigger your own the team shield any day of the week

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Yeah people remember various things fondly from the past like the first year of PvP some will say was the best but it was filled with silly things like two TT in the front line, everyone running every shocker they owned and front lines deciding the match.

The Devs do a brilliant job of making the game better and better with time. They weed out a few of the annoying things.

To be fair Hurricane does have some definite potential. However, it’s just one of those things that tend to get overhyped as people imagine ideal scenarios.

I believe only one player had that hurricane myth awakened. All the more reason to un-nerf DR before hurricane becomes common :joy:

In a similar way to how Sleep immunity was split into sleep immune and Imsonia, I wonder if DR could be split into ones which can be triggered by the user and ones with can’t. For example “sacrifice revenge“ can be triggered by the user and Death revenge can only be triggered by the opponent. That way Devs can choose monsters that won’t be too OP with it


lmao double retribution being triggered from deaths at the end of your team

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I like that idea a lot. That way nebel can’t be triggered, but talo or Gaiawolf for example could

But backstabbing a sleep revenge monster doesn’t provide a maybe even greater advantage? DR is still hard countered by shields. and HG, which is prevalent in a lot of S tier monsters, also is minor counter to DR. To be completely honest with you, why would being able to charge Azra and trigger DR be so absolutely terrible? Most people run a powerful 5slot monster anyways!! It’s literally luck of the draw who it hits, and tbh, if it hits someone like dusi, best case scenario it takes him down to HG and you have another mon ready to finish it off.

Un nerf petrify

How was petrify before nerf?

It could kill bosses. Now that some idiot snitched it I’m not even playing neo daily anymore


I went looking up old posts on the forum for this but tbh it’s mostly mixed in with chats about Zhulong. Basically, Zhulong came and broke Azrazel FLs because Azrazel was higher speed than most FLs at the time and it could instant KBN before cannibalising. Your team would have a shield on Azra, accelerated then you remove their 5th spot and cannibalise to bring in your Tenebris (stealthing Zhulong) and their 6th. You’d then follow up with link sneak attack all and double bloodcrave. This would kill 7 monsters of the enemy team before most teams could do anything. At the time 5th spot monsters were a huge deal and Azra created the problem of do you put it in 5th or 6th. People called this FL broken because not enough other FLs countered it and so bits were nerfed: DR not triggered by teammates, instant KBN made swift, Zhulong link stealth all 50->70TU and protector conversion one-time use from 3.

Now this was a different time, a certain meta and these days we have more options for front lines. Megalodragon is the kind of monster that helps stop things like the above becoming a dominant front line so hopefully we won’t see it much again.

Azrazel these days is not overpowered and could probably get a buff. However, I wouldn’t choose DR triggering. Giving it instant KBN again would be better.

P.S. That’s my contribution to this thread: Give Azrazel instant KBN again!