What do you think!!!!

I just think of a new skill. Hope you will like it.
If the Devs like it then plz add it to the game.
*Dimension Strike:(100TU)
This skill targets one enemy it deals critical damage if the target has a skill that has a limit.
It doesn’t count Secret Skills .
*Dimension Crush:(130TU)
Same as dimension Strike but this skill ignores shields and hold ground.
If this skill is op then change the target. It will only target monsters that has a skill limit of more than 1 like 2,3,5etc.
Plz tell your opinion.

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It’s an interesting concept, but I think it would be quite hard to build around and for the monster to fulfil a specific purpose in your team. I quite like the idea though. But the monster it’s attached too would need a good moveset around it

Reminds me of payback killer. It’s too specific unless you’re fighting Gary so you need other moves that allow the monster to fill a les situational spot in your team. Great idea though, but my trickster does not approve lol.

One of the great things about killer moves is they target a particular strategy/archetype. People have criticised moves like “light bane” for not doing this, but they basically target link teams.

I think these skills would basically target random monsters and that’s fine as a move on a monster that has some random targets but not always got one. However, personally I find moves that target particular archetypes or can be set up with clever team building more interesting.

Absolutely no from my point of view.
Those moves you proposed will hit 95% of all mythics/legendaries.
Without counting that will hit 100% of monsters with SS active.
So for me is a big no.

@DonT89 To give him/her credit, this was in there. It doesn’t sound like the intention is to have a killer move for all monsters with secret skills on. Targeting monsters with skill limits of 2-X sounds reasonable. However, personally I think it is a random thing to target and I’m sure a lot of people won’t even know which enemies it will critical against.

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Hey bro i said that skill doesn’t count Secret Skill

I didn’t even notice that when re-reading, sorry!

No problem.It happens . Thanks though

My bad didn’t read properly buddy.