What did you get from your Eggs? (Part 1)

Does he one shot full health stag?

You’re running a Stag in your front line, how do you not know? You should know better than any of us :wink:

EDIT: Run the numbers
 should be roughly 2/3 chance for it to one-shot.

Stag is dead before cent comes on the field.



Unfortunate,what monster where u trying to get?

Between this and my luck in the latest festival, I’m set until the anniversary.

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120 gems.

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Oh my god!!! He looks sooo interesting! :+1:t2:

I comfort myself, I told myself that I got an awakening myth.

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40 gems:

One roll and stopped. I felt the force telling me to roll so I did.


That’s a sick roll. I need to check ingame what the current egg is. Looks like a new festival with all these Legends

Plenty of good stuff in this festival, I like it.

So you’re a Jedi now? What’s your Force power; snowflake shower?

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Loool don’t use that word, wombats might cry. I don’t want to get “banned”. Dam snow#&$#@

But yeah, that is the move I use on the sensitive ones.

I did two packs got the one am after.


I ain’t scared of some wombat; I’m an Aussie for crying out loud, I eat those punks for breakfast.

Yay another Aussie. Thought I was the last one left after Lochi left. Wombats are built like tanks I usually have them over a few day period.

I wanted him or the limited one. I couldn’t risk a second pack

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That croc is soooo good, congrats

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i wanted the limited one rolled and got nebel dup.

3 packs

1st pack nothing
2nd croc
3rd neble dup

I wanted that croc as well and opened 4 packs. In total 5 legendaries. 4 dupes + kattmander. Daaayum