Hi everyone, when i was trying to get on the forum kinda late at night, it said my account was suspended… I was really worried and was wondering what i even did to get banned! And i was kinda angry and sad that i got kicked but now it lets me come on… Is that a weird glitch on the forum or a feature of some kind?! (If it is, i dont see any value in making the person thinking they are banned) because i was about done woth the forums, i decided i would try ONE TIME! I would look up the forums and hope i didnt get banned because since i made my ipod save this account it auto logs into it and i have no other devices to go onto so i thought i would just never see the forum again and i was just going to quit if that one try didnt work but luckily… It did so im here now but im wondering, WHY?! Why did i get a temporary ban from the forums? I didnt do anything wrong
The forum probably failed or stopped working for awhile but they fixed it back up don’t worry
I saw and thanks for telling anyway and glad its back up!
No problem I’m happy to help
A good way to test if it’s your account is to close all web pages, clear cookies and web history (so that you’re logged out) then try again. That’s how I knew it wasn’t my account.
Ah thats clever, thanks kersh i will use that in future if neccesary